This is one fast micro FPV racer. And its a Whoop! Find it here
– Really nice carrying case.
– Very fast for a whoop.
– Can be flown 1S or 2S for indoor or outdoor flying.
– 1200TVL CADDX EOS2 FPV camera. Can be easily tilted up for speed.
– 25/200mW FPV transmitter.
– Betaflight configurable OSD with Smartaudio capability.
– TC0803 KV16000 micro brushless motors.
– 6A/7A ESC
– Crazybee F4 flight control board loaded with CRAZYBEEF4FR 4.0.0 dated 11 December 2018.
– Receiver built into FC board. Available in Frsky, Flysky, DSM2/X, and PNP. Frsky and Flysky with telemetry.
– Relatively short flight times of under 3 minutes, even when flown 2S.
– Out of the box PIDs are not the best. Needs some tuning.
– Battery holder is insufficient to hold the provided two (or one) 1S batteries. I had to wrap a rubber band around the quadcopter to hold them in place.
– The power cable tends to drift into the propellers. Stongly recommend securing the cable to prevent it from happening.
This video along with every video of the Quadcopter 101 channel was produced and edited with VSDC Free Video Editor. You may download this excellent, and no kidding “free” video editor here
Affiliate links: At no cost to you, I do receive a small commission for sales resulting from these links.
“Awel” by stefsax
is licensed under a Creative Commons license:
music was shortened to fit length of video.
I got hooked on small drones watching your videos…I am a newbie… what is the best goggles than I can buy … I like what you are wearing now,, what is the name brand…I live in Palm Springs, and I enjoy flying close to our mountains and the desert floor….
Another nice video. Thank you so much for all those informations. Do you have any plans on doing a review on the SJRC F11? I really would like to have your opinion
You tried to set the VTX via TRAMP vtx control, but the trashcan uses smartaudio (option above). You ‘ll also need to set the power level to 500 to get 200 for some reason. 200 is 100 and so on. Also, bend one of the antennas 90 degrees in your goggles! Basically, you were flying 25mw the whole time and without proper diversity
Thanks for another great review. I have a trash can on the way, it will be my first acro flyer. Can someone suggest a video showing how to switch b/w acro and stability mode using flysky i6 and the other basic first acro info? Appreciate You!!
Hi what is your DVR 60 FPS ? ?
Please Let me be apart of your notifications squad
how did you purchase this…?
Oh the trashcan,what a weird name but is it a good one compared to similar ,we shall see

Thanks for your take on it q101
Hopefully something can be done to improve flight times on these but given what they are it is what it is,given what we have for battery technology.
I’ve got one of those little buggers lol, still haven’t fully set it up yet, because I need to upgrade from my cheap goggles. After looking at a few videos on goggles I’ve decided to get the sky zone v2 goggles. They get great reviews, and for the price are very good value straight out of the box, with a great quality picture and the video they record are also very good in comparison to even a lot of the higher priced units. The only thing I’ll do to make them better is change the antennas like each reviewer has recommended, the original one work, but not brilliantly. Also great review, can’t wait till I get my new goggles so that I can take full advantage of that mighty little beast.
Almost first?
Hi, in betaflight I accidentally reset the settings, now the light bar stays solid light, and the craft wont fly, how do I restore factory settings? Is there a back up