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Eachine Wizard x220 4s Punchouts first tests on BetaFlight racing drone racing quadcopter05:22

BetaFlight rates by Joshua Bardwell set up with my FlySky Radio system
RunCam Swift 2 camera with OSD
Tattu 4S 75c Lipos
Turnigy NanoTech 3S 45-90c Lipos
Quanum Cyclops FPV goggles
Eachine DVR monitor
Eachine FPV transmitter
FlySky FS-i6s radio system
Xiaomi Yi Acation Camera

    1. scotty fpv
    2. Marina Bruno
    3. Bulent Aydin Music video producer Song Writer
    4. KennyLee NYC
    5. jonathan combs
    6. just drew

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