Emax 250 Nighthawk 5×4.5 Bullnose Props on a 4S???
This was a test of the new EMax 250 with new 1806 2280kv motors and new 12A ESC’s with the DAL 6×4.5 props, cut down to 5×4.5 Bull-Nose on a 1000mah 45-90C 4S. I flew the old one on a 4S, no problems!!! Jon (Pudsey-Rc) flew his at the same time with the 2204 Emax motors, but with different 12A ESC’s mounted on the arms and using 5×4.5 Bull-Nose props and had no problems.
Yet I think my ESC’s overheated and reduced power, hence my forced landing! My ESC’s are mounted altogether under the main board and so the heat mounts up as they heat each other up. So I think that 5×3 props are my maximum on a 4S with these ESC’s.
Its going down its going down is what we should call our channel lol
all fun and games until some 1 breaks a arm
Have you ever had a motor get the gitters on start up and run hot? I have
one of my brand new emax motors doing just that. Weird. It’s the left hand
rear motor which is on bank 2 of the CC3D flight controller.