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FLY AltitudeMagic Speed X52 2.4ghz Drone REVIEW-Will it Carry a GoPro? Watch before Buying08:11

I do a review on the Fly/Magic Speed x52 drone ! There isn’t really a name brand for this drone in the add.Only thing it says on the drone itself is “fly”, But box said it’s a Magic Speed. So that’s what i’m guessing.Link for the drone is below ! Bought it on ebay and there is other similar ones that have same features just with a different name. I also show upgraded batteries and if it could fly with a GOPRO! For Under $50, You could have some fun! Full review on video. Comment with any questions ! Like and Subscribe


    1. Cade Bray
    2. Cade Bray
    3. Mark Anthony
    4. David H
    5. Secret Tips
    6. Albert Romero
    7. Robert M South

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