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Flybrix Mini-Review: “Build Your Own Drones Using LEGO Bricks”05:52

Flybrix offers kit for building your own quadcopters, hexacopters and octacopters out of Lego bricks. The idea sounds great, but how does it work in practice? Let’s find out!

Table of Contents:
0:00 Intro
0:51 Review
5:22 Outro

Written Review:

Flybrix Mini-Review

Where I Got It:
I purchased mine from flybrix.com, but encourage you to search the web for the best current offer!

No Affiliation:
This product was bought with my own money and I receive no compensation (financial or otherwise) from neither retailer, brand nor manufacturer for this review or any above links. Rest assured that this is my best attempt at an honest, unbiased opinion.

Music & Sounds:
Faceoff Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Taps v2 Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

    1. Stephen M
    2. Shad8x
    3. slebdad
    4. Michael Thompson
    5. Tim Robinson
    6. creesch
    7. Benjamin Keller
    8. Feri K. - Aerodron

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