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FULL SPEED Leader 3 Review | BEST VALUE 3″ MICRO? MAYBE.17:05

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The Full Speed Leader 3 is a heck of a good 3″ bind-n-fly quad, at a really decent price. The Leader 120 was a darn good 2″ bind-n-fly quad, although it’s a little dated today. Let’s compare them to each other and see how they stack up.


Support me! Make any purchase (not just the linked product) after clicking one of the below affiliate links.

Purchase the Leader 3 at:
* Banggood – http://bit.ly/2B5GOMY
* FullSpeedRC – http://bit.ly/2BfpN2W

Purchase the Leader 120 at:
* Banggood – http://bit.ly/2B8KcH5
* FullSpeedRC – http://bit.ly/2B62ed9

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Most or all links above are affiliate links, and I will receive compensation if you use them.

    1. Julianno Jungle
    2. FPV Mark S
    3. Slugo's RC
    4. greg d
    5. Mike Lentsch
    6. cooked seahorse
    7. Oswalds Reef
    8. Rickster-FPV
    9. KASA
    10. Agust Blondal
    11. S700KY_FPV
    12. oneofthesixbillion
    13. Stephen Kohtz
    14. Kym Ratcliffe
    15. Brian Richtmyer
    16. MAFIA FPV
    17. ToddTube
    18. Gerd Strehle
    19. fekdani
    20. fekdani
    21. Do R/C!

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