Ok, its been a while and was windy, low sun in my eyes… but I appear to have forgotten how to fly… Stuck in not one, but two big trees… (these trees are evil. No amount of flipping, revving or hammering will release my quads). Crashed virtually every pack… sigh. Some days….
Music https://soundcloud.com/obijuanshinobii/i-wrote-my-own-bible-obi-x-juan-rios
Quad –
Thug Sub Zero 5″ (still untuned – damn weather!)
T Motor F60 2500kv
Aikon escs
CL racing F4
Foxeer Micro v2
TBS unify pro hv
TBS antenna
geprc 5040 v2
Skyzone V+
Frsky Taranis QX7
Turnigy graphene 1300
Gopro Session 5
The only reason you fly FPV is because of your passion for climbing tree-he-he-he-hees! ?
Get some WD40 on them thumbs. ?
the wind is tricky to get a feel for with quads cause as you roll to lean away from stuff you expose more of a flat profile to the wind thats bothering you, i am not looking forward to climbing my first tree in decades…. gonna check out turtle mode and a slingshot with some strimmer wire and a lead weight.
the rjx is almost ready, sitting waiting on my split 2 arriving today. i went for the 20mm standoff plan, i think the carbon in the rjx is not real carbon?… maybe the camera pod is but the plates didnt look like carbon when i was dremeling them. might get a full on stress test today before i fit the split 2, still havent been above 60% throttle, the dal cyclone 46’smake a helluva noise when you stress them, almost like they are deflecting?
I have been in many trees to get quads lol
LMAO …. AGAIN?? ….. Now then lad?? Whats this thing you’ve got with BIG BLOODY TREES??
Its almost as if you like climbing the damned things, always the biggest tree for miles too …. maybe you should invest in some tree crampons and a some rappelling gear
I think evasion becomes part of the standard manoeuvres when you’ve climbed enough of them
… I was lucky to escape a tree last flight with just a missing blade from a prop and I only had two tall trees to contend with!
I’ll take your rusty flying skills over mine any day! I keep a tree saw in the car for this sort of emergency. Thankfully turtle mode normally allows me to ‘reverse’ out.
Yer channel should be called Treetop FPV. ? Keep em coming, your channel always raises a smile.
nice sunset, good climbing xD don’t fall !
Was going pretty smooth too, glad ya got it back??
I thought you were joking about the tree climbing lol! Very nice vid mate! Very relaxing! Beautiful music choice!
It’s ok if you wanna hug trees mate , but crashing the quad is a good excuse? nice clip! Had 2 flights now with the Martian.. really smooth! Looking forward to some lighter nights and better weather!
Cool video and intro, what song is that playing?