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High Speed quadcopter with 28-30 1300kv motors05:07

hobbyking quad board with rctimer 28-30 1300kv motors

    1. thetourle
    2. Pep Gener
    3. lilphil26
    4. TutorRockkiller
    5. Nardi Braho
    6. Nardi Nardi
    7. Tukington
    8. richy6691
    9. jusvalt
    10. YeshuaAgapao
    11. YeshuaAgapao
    12. Nico Lumanglas
    13. timbukII
    14. volitronics
    15. Dwars looper
    16. jameswil
    17. MrBenjaminkruegereu
    18. glenncol
    19. Christian Wobser
    20. OGPPL
    21. Michael Yeh
    22. MiamiJato
    23. AsylumET
    24. JoeVSvolcano
    25. del3d
    26. Murali Madupu
    27. OGPPL
    28. Aerial Camber
    29. Stefan Wegmann
    30. Ultima Thule
    31. Rich City Hobbies
    32. Mina Darsh
    33. Hionimi
    34. Mina Darsh
    35. Hionimi
    36. harry vigna
    37. bigteedo111
    38. James Grimaldi
    39. Starbuckin
    40. thrillbywill
    41. David C
    42. John Clarke
    43. Pat Notneeded
    44. Pat R
    45. juan sanchez
    46. terry vincent
    47. Ben Stacy
    48. QuadNDIW

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