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Ludacris Speed With a 2″ Quad03:51

Just now getting around to uploading some older footage from last summer! My brother and I jumped on the hype train and bought the new Eachine Lizard95 micro quadcopter.

I’m all about maximizing the fun/$ ratio and in that regard this quad has been my favorite purchase.

My flying skills have progressed faster over the last few months of flying this quad because I am no longer afraid of breaking something when I crash. This quad has flown full speed into a metal chain link fence, gotten stuck in trees, collided with other quads in mid-air and still came out unscathed.

And no, this footage is not sped up! Check the time stamp on the OSD and watch the raw footage at the end of the video if you don’t believe me! This thing rips on 3S and could probably keep up with some 5″ 4S rigs in a race.

Hit me up if you want to know what mods I recommend for this quad!


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