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Martian II 220 5″ Quadcopter – Maiden Take Off00:25

My Build Components:

ESC: Racerstar RS20Ax4 V2 20A BB2 48MHz Blheli_S 2-4S ESC for Oneshot Multishot
MoTORS: 4 x EMAX RS2205 2300kv (red bottom).
FRAME: Reptile Martian II 220mm (came with PDB included).
FC: Cleanflight SP3FC V1 Deluxe clone (with barometer, magnetometer etc).
RADIO: FlySky FS-i6 (came with FS-iA6 PWM RX – later upgraded to FS-iA6B).
RX: FS-iA6B (iBUS version).
BATTERIES: Lipo 3s 35c x 1, 3s 25c x 2
CAMERA: Eachine 700TVL 3.6mm Lens 1/3 Cmos 90 Degree Wide Angle FPV Camera
FPV TX: Eachine VTX03 Super Mini 5.8G 72CH 0/25mW/50mw/200mW Switchable FPV Transmitte
GOGGLES: Eachine VRD2Pro
PROPS: 5045BN Dalprop 5″ 2xcw, 2xccw (and spares 🙂 🙂 )

Build Log: http://www.multi-rotor.co.uk/index.php?topic=21836.0

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