MJX BUGS 3 – –
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Great vid and words of wisdom man! I’ve been learning more about the quads from your channel. I can’t recall even what all you have but I figure you’ve got a fairly wide range of different models and if you are always saying positive things on that bugs 3 than that must be a good one! I”ll take your word for it! Big thumbs up on the vid and thanks for sharing great info!
bugs 3 baby!! ejejej like bro
Nice Video Like 45
Great video, I subscribed! Please sub back Thanks!
great channel…visit my channel..if like after join .I join back..I want real active subscriber only..English subtitles available on my video’s
Hi there, very nice vid! Liked and subscribed to your channel! Check out my channel, maybe you can subscribe too, so we can help each other a little bit
Awesome love it bro
That was cool! Nice job!! I left a big like and I subbed too!
great video man.. The tittle of this video speaks for itself… makes perfect since..
I know eventually I am going to break down and get another x251, SO YOU MIGHT AS WELL DUST YOURS OFF to give me something to think about for a while.. I hate the cost of that bird with it’s built in ESC’S but it is great quad that deserve’s it’s props ..
great video bro
I’am subscribe in your Channel subscreb me too
Awesome video tfs ???