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T-Motor VTX
Emax Eco 2207 Budget Line Motor (This is a newer one)
T-motor F55A V2
Skystars Budget bundle
T-Motor Racerstar Motor
New Racerstar 8S 4in1 ESC
iFlight Budget X-Class Motors–p-1452180.html?p=CS101558118042016088&utm_campaign=mesh&utm_content=tanghao
Kiss ESC
FlightOne FC (overpriced)
Kakute F7 Mini Stack
Spedix 6S ESC
iFlight 50A 6S ESC
T-Motor X-Class motor
X-Lite Battery charging module
uruav qX 7 Case
Smart Battery
SkyStar Drone with GPS on Battery Strap XD
Emax Buzz the Can Opener drone
Haha, those 4 “leds” on the bottom of the T-motor ESC are mosfets, not leds
Hey!! Someone just suggest me what should I do ,
Will soldering esc I accidentally lifted and broken the soldering pad
So now I was unavailable to solder that pin
So what should I do ?buy new one or is there any fix
Some really nice stuff there, dude. ?
Looking forward to the iFlight esc testing! ?
t-motor vtx is same as rush racing
I was looking at getting the megabee but it seems way overpriced for what it is, might have to look at something else. Am a bit confused as iflight is normally very good value. Hope this isn’t going to be their new pricing strategy from now on.
The RevolyOSD is fake… FlightOne doesn’t sell it’s products on Bangood
T motor ft200 is Rush race OEM
Vtx looks like it’s made by rush.
If you want a cinewhoop like the megabee, go check out Rimzler on Thingiverse. He’s done a frame you can print, including some tpu parts. I’ve just printed one and salvaging the guts from my GT M3.
The t-motor vtx looks like it’s made by the same guys as rush tank, and the iflight frame is similar to shendrones squirt
MAD x clsss motors are $80usd retail. each
great video brother. i tried to leave a link but it would not take. if you are intrested venom has a sale on there 4s 1800mah 75c/150c race lipo’s $10.99 each. im making a video stop by my channel in 1/2 hr and it will be up. there will be a link in the description.
about DIY esc
that charging port on the QX 7 is there as a standard on newer models (end 2018 or so). just plug and play. no need to complain about “making something with a 3d print or whatever”… put the 2s in there, and connect the charge cable. thats it.
the FPV Marketplace is dieing …
How about the DYS Aria BLHeli_32bit 70A? I’d love to see a review!
I would like to see the emax eco 2207 2400kv. How would you compare performance to the emax eco to the racerstar SPROG motors? I know you use to have very high respect for the RacesStar motors.
Keep it up love these
Hey, it’s open source, I’ve seen inside them both, they are not the same. Personally I would stick with the taranis and the xlite, the older one.
the 4piece protective cover are the ducts on the megabee
Is the new Spedix 45a an improvement on the previous ESCs?