OFM Hyper 330 FPV racing Quadcopter with dynamic motor tilting makes it the best quad for Tree and obstacles dodging FPV Racing. Enjoy this Nice and fast Proximity FPV among lines of trees at lake park and see how well OFM Hyper 3300 offers a clear forward view for all sort of FPV Proximity and FPV racing.
OFM Hyper 330 FPV Racing Quadcopter is specially designed and built for high speed FPV Racing, endure crashes with its rugged frame, Proximity flights with a sleek aerodynamic design and unique Dynamic Motor Tilting feature that offers high speed leveled FPV flights for clear forward view.
When it comes to FPV racing, and pod racing you need a Quadcopters that will zoom around track with jaw dropping speeds, cut sharp corners with clear precision, shoot out with perfect and instant speed, offer instant air brakes, a Quadcopter that is super agile, and totally rugged and bulletproof, a Quadcopter that is not going to look like an ugly experiment in the air.
OFM Hyper 330 FPV Racing Quadcopter is specially designed by professional FPV racing pilot, well tested (constantly undergoing hardcore flight testing). No matter it’s an open field, a forest Pod Racing Track, or a competition FPV obstacle course FPV racing Track, OFM Hyper 330 is designed to leave your opponents behind at all kinds of racing track.
Hyper 330 features a very unique frame with a unique DMT (Dynamic Motor Tilting) capabilities never seen in any of the FPV Racing quads before. What makes Hyper 330 a winner on the track?
• Carefully thought out beautiful new frame design with Clean and dirty sections. Do not worry about those lousy vibrations anymore. Jello Free video, Clear FPV View and Vibration free Flight controller installation.
• Well thought out frame design for easy access to install or work on your Power distribution, Speed controllers and Flight controller installation
• Fits in your back pack. Hey wait a minute, it will come with a back pack too.
• DMT (Dynamic Motor Tilting) with your elevator controls offers instant high speed shoot out and solid Air braking to dodge that fast moving tree that has always slapped you down.
• DMT (Dynamic Motor Tilting) offering instant and clear cornering. You can clear sharpest corners easily with tight solid turns that will surely leave your competitors behind on the track.
• DMT gives you highest speeds at more leveled Quadcopter during flight for a clear cut forward view. Comparatively at same speeds, other pilots will be looking at grounds only and getting slapped by obstacles, while OFM Hyper 330 pilot will dodge everything with a beautiful precision with clear forward view
• Sleek, and aerodynamic Canopy for those sexy looks to make your Quad stand out in the crowd and to give you additional speed by reducing the drag during flight.
• Modular design high quality Metal and carbon fiber components
• GoPro ready, a special GoPro 4 mount under that sleek and sexy canopy so you will never disturb your aerodynamics during flight due to GoPro Brick shape.
• And much more.
More details and updates about OFM Hyper 330 will be posted here, so be sure to bookmark this page
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Highly Customized Aerial filming and Aerial Surveillance Solutions
Production music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
Other Royalty Free Music by http://audiomicro.com/royalty-free-music
Comments and feedback welcome at alishanmao@gmail.com , info@onlyflyingmachines.com and alishanmaolife@gmail.com
OFM Hyper 330 FPV Racing Quadcopter Lake Park FPV Proximity Fun
That’s amazing!
Lets see how fast it can zigzag though obstacles.
Hey Ali, if your post processing video seems to look worse than the raw
vid, I’d check out what bitrate you’re saving it under. I just learned
this as I was trying to upload 60fps videos and only had 8k bitrate. At 24k
it definitely cleared up. Hope this helps, I appreciate your videos and
contribution to the community!
+murphycm2 Thanks buddy, yes I always try to keep bit rate higher and it
clears up nicely
It’s great that you are allowed to fly at the parks there. Who’d have
thought — China gives its people more rights than some little areas of New
Zealand does :-)
Where’s the racing?
Another great ride Ali
Your city looks more and more beautiful!
I can not believe how it turned out now, i can barely remember all these
opened spaces some years ago!
It looks like chinese people are like thai people, they are hardly trying
to hide themselve from the sun LOL
Have a great weekend
nice park flying man
have you recorded this with xiaomi yi?
+Denis Meglic yes all OFM Hyper 330 new flights are recorded with Xiaomi Yi
thanx, i’ve got also xiaomi, and the recorded sound is terrible.. can’t do
nothing bout it
The tilting motors do make a big difference to what you see through the
camera,1for the wish list I think
OFM Hyper 330 Pre order have started. Check here for more details
really amazing
Nice video mate! Ceep up..
Check out our channel, if you want to see some clips from Norway
– Far North Studio
cool video!
Why the Park is so empty instead of people?
Very nice! So do you sell this as an rtf or bnf?
+The RCAddict Only ARF Kits and Frame kits only
+alishanmao Ok, awesome quad you have
Awesome flying! Love it! Thumbs up!
Greetings from Ireland! :)
are you dealing your copters on taobao ?
+天翔刘 No, but taobao dealers are welcome to contact me for sales of Hyper
330 in China.
Keşke benimde küçük bir quadcopterim olsa
Why are you using a mask? Very beautiful place!
selamın aleyküm
where is everyone? So much space in the city!