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Category: High Speed, Quadcoter Videos
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Can i use a 1800 mAh 75c battery for 30a esc’s?
1800 x 75 = 135,000mA max current. That’s over 135 Amps! so that;s easily enough for four 30A escs..
Ok! Thank you for the help!
i have 20Aesc with max 25A that mean i have some were 80-100A need what if i want to use 2.2A batery and i get 36-45c what if i want t use 60 C will my esc burn or i should find some were between 35-45c
How do i figure out how long i can fly it for with the 1800mah 75c battery? I don’t have a buzzer. Can i use a timer?
Very onformative again, thanks. Any views on these new-fangled graphene lipo batteries?
We use them a lot here, they perform well. Not sure if that’s the ‘graphine’ in them or just the good quality of them but they work well and a few that have been in situations that would have puffed other packs, they’ve taken in their stride.. We buy them when they come onto a promotion. Hope that helps.
Thanks again. Any particular brands that stand out?
We’ve been using the HobbyKing ones..
Just pick yourself up a buzzer from any store really, usually costs you only a few bucks so it’s defenitely worth it!
how will you compute battery life or how long the lipo will last
+Gio Maverick see some of the other videos in the ‘introduction to remote control ‘ series for more information. You need to know the average current the model pulls when flying and expect to be able to use 80% of the packs capacity. Best of luck!
ok, thank you!
i am glad i saw you video, i almost took the wrong battery for my custom quad…pfuuu
Theoretically that pack should allow you to pull more than 135A. They claim it should burst up to 150C which would be 270A. In reality it probably can’t achieve up to that at burst but its more than capable of providing enough juice for that setup.
Not sure if I missed this in the previous videos but you mention here that the Gearbest kit is only capable of running 3s with the 20A escs. I am in the process of my first build with this kit and some of my own camera and receiver components but am still somewhat torn between 3s and 4s. Why exactly can’t the kit in this series run with 4s if such a battery has the same voltage as a 3s counterpart? Also, if the 3s to 4s upgrade is simply a matter of upgrading the ESCs to handle this transition, which ESCs would you recommend? I’m asking this because I have seen many videos pertaining to beginners choosing between 3s and 4s which claim that 4s is, in the end, the money-saver’s choice because users often outgrow 3s packs and end up wasting their money initially when they should’ve utilized 4s packs at first with throttle restrictions if necessary. I am trying to get the most power out of this system and configure it in a way that it will still be my go-to quad even when I become a better pilot and am ready for more power.
Yep, it’s part of a series called ‘Quadcopter Building for Beginners’ that covers all of the basics as the model is made. Best of luck!
Yes…I have viewed all of those videos and they were quite helpful so far. However, I am still confused regarding the battery limits of the Dubai kit and if it is possible to run a 4s with the given ESCs used in your series. And if not why?
if I can use (2100kv-2700kv motor) & (5500mha) battery than what will be flight time..?
+Nousad Islam you need to know the prop you’re using and the average current the motor will pull.. Best of luck!
what is the brand of that 1800 green battery?
+Mokra06 the brand is written on the side, they are available from lots of places in the UK and Europe.. Happy flying
Hii how much amp does a 3s 6000mah give
+Bhudev Samanta depends on the C rating – see the video
Can I use a combination a Motor of 2-3S with an ESC of 2-4S with a battery of 2-3S ? Please reply
+samarth1410 if I understand your question correctly, it should. See my ‘Quadcopter building for beginners ‘ series for more of the basics. Best of luck
FYI the link to above is broken
Thanks for the spot, they don’t sell them direct anymore but do sell the packs via other suppliers..
one question ! if i use that esc ( ) i have to use bec or ubec or ?
It’s an OPTO so you’ll need another 5v supply..
Hi, I was wondering if you could help me with choosing a battery to power a camera gimbal, vtx and camera. How much mAh would you recommend and how can I power my camera gimbal and vtx using one battery. Thank you!
+Mystical Daptfyie you’ll need to figure out how much current each of them is going to pull and how long you want the battery to last for, first of all. Once you got that then you can figure out how many milliamp hours and what voltage will need in your packed. Hope that helps
Painless360 thank you!!!
Hello. Thanks for the video, it is very useful! But theres one thing that i cannot understand.
I have a Wizard x220 drone. According to its ECS spec the peak is 25A. So the max is 4*25 = 100A. Lets say i choose 1.5mAh battery. Then, i get 100/1.5 = 66C. This number of C is it max or min number of C the battery should have? If i choose the same 1.5 mAh battery with 50C does it mean the drone wont show the peak performance cuz of the lack of the power? On the other hand, if I choose 1.5 mAh battery with 80C wont it burn my ESP at peak throttle?
Personally, what battery would you recommend for the Wizard x220 drone considered im a new pilot and flight time is important?
Thanks for the reply.
If the builder had done their job well then the parts are bigger than they need to be for safety and ratings are a maximum and you won’t actually pull that from those ESCs. With 5040 props you’re looking at more like 18Amps at full throttle. So at full power you’ll be running 4 x 18A = 72Amps. Typically you’re not flying at full power all the time so you only need that level of current for small, short blips. A 1500mAh pack with 50C will give a maximum sustained current of 75Amps, well below the maximum you need. Most packs will also support a much larger current for short periods (a few seconds) too.. U se 4s Graphine packs from Hobbyking here. Hope that helps..
Thanks for the reply.
But what will happen if lets say i go with 1.5Amps 60C battery? If i understand everything right it wont burn the ESC but the drone simply wont be able to pull that amount of energy from the battery, is it right? Im asking because ive ordered the new Furibee x215 pro drone which is said to be quite power consuming guy. Therefore, id like to buy the battery which i could use with both drones.
Im thinking of buying a couple of these ones: or maybe even these ones to increase the time of flight (the weight difference is only 20 grams)
Would you recommend buying it?
One more time thanks for help
Sir I have a battery which pulls 31.25A but I have a 30A esc.i know that the battery A must be higher than esc’s.but in this case it is slightly higher can I use it safely.
battery’s specification 1250mah 25c 3s lipo.
The battery doesn’t ‘pull’ anything. It provides the power. That’s why you need a battery with a larger capacity then the ESC needs so that there is that safety factor. See the videos in the ‘Introduction to Radio control’ for more detail on how it works.. Best of luck!
Painless360 sir I have seen ur video.and according to my understanding to find out the A provided by the battery we must multiply mah with the C rating and divide it by 1000. so I have a 1250mah 25c battery so it provides 31.25A and I know that A of battery must be higher than esc’s A. now I have a 30A esc but the battery providers 31.25A. in this A is slightly higher than the A pulled by esc. so my question Is can I use the battery safely or should I take a battery that provides higher A.
I have seen so many videos of yours and many threads in the internet and understood this.
Yes you can use that battery safely..
Painless360 thank u for helping me and sharing ur knowledge.
I am very very new to RC and to find C rating for batts do I need to factor in the pull from the ESC?
+SkyDivingMoose check out the videos about batteries in the ‘introduction to remote control’ series on the channel. I cover lots of the basics in there, including this one. Hope it helps
well at 7:30 and other places, you keep saying “this battery is going to pull”. therefor you are the once confusing these people
Painless360 thanks
is “ZIPPY Compact 2200mAh 3s 60c Lipo Pack” can pull 4 x 30A simonk esc??? Is this is a good lipo???
+Micro Tech What are your thoughts after watching the video?
@Painless360 How long does the battery last with 1800 mAh? This is much more interesting for me when deciding between 1300 / 1800 / 2500+ mAh …
+Blue Monkey depends on the current the models pulls. That’s a ‘how long is a piece of string’ kinda question
Im at the moment buying a battery and I have trouble deciding … from what I read sofar 1800mAh (~180g) only holds about 5mins … so I really have an eye on 4500mAh (~450g) so it holds for much longer (~12min) even it is less agile … are the numbers about true?
Every bit helps me 
I have no ideas so I have to ask others
Will a 3 cell battery be enough to provide energy to all 4 motors and if it can will the motors give enough thrust?
Can I use two 3 cell battery which means a 6 cell lipo battery ?
You can, but 6S packs are so cheap now that’s the easier option.. Best of luck!
If it has the right capacity and C rating, yes. If you’re new to the channel (and R/C Quads) then I’d suggest spending some time in the ‘Quadcopter Building for Beginners’ series on the channel – lots of detail in the for the new builders. Hope it helps..
A nice video you made there, proper information. But you should get your Amps and Amp Hours right. 1.800mAh are 1.8 Ah, not 1.8A. Correct me if i am wrong.
You are, but this series is designed for those brand new to building so a certain amount of simplification is useful.. happy flying!
If you have too many volts on something it will blow it up but does anything happens if you put more mah will this reck your electronics?
Electrical components are normally rated for a maximum voltage. If you apply more than this voltage then they will potentially fail and cause a problem. It’s best to always observe the ratings on any part you’re using, and apply a voltage to safely within that range. Best of luck!
Was really helpful for me
Ok heres an odd one, acording to my math, i need 16 for my quad (80amp motors/5amps battery) but the battery im using gives me 125 amps for the output (5amps * 25C) the question is, its posibly to have this kind of power but dont lost thrust due to the total weight? The battery weighs 600gr, im using 800kv motors 16 amps and 1025 proppelers.
Please see some my other videos in the introduction to remote-control playlist. You’re absolutely right, the heavier the battery the less flight time you’ll get from it. It’s a balancing act. Best of luck!
I have 1000kv motor 30amps esc what type of battery do i reuqire , i have a 2200mah battery 3s with less than 20c is that enough
See my videos in the ‘Introduction to Remote Control’ playlist – I cover it in there. The LIPO you have has a maximum of 2.2 x 20 =44 Amps, more than the ESC needs so that’s great..
+Painless360 Firefox blocked me from going to they have an expired certificate or something might want to let them know.
Thanks for letting me know – looks like that URL isn’t used any more.. I’ve removed it..
Painless360. Is this battery available elsewhere. As I cannot locate it on the web site you say
I don’t think it is anymore. Lots of places sell LIPO batteries now. I get most of mine from HobbyKing these days:.
Hey I have 1000kv and 30a ESC what battery should I use?
Hey I have 1000kv and 30a ESC what battery should I use?
One that can easily supply that 30 amps..
@Painless360 I’m planning to buy a 3s lipo 5500mah 30-40c discharge rate can I use this one?
Sorry for my bad English:)
@Painless360 I’m planning to buy a 3s lipo 5500mah 30-40c discharge rate can I use this one?
Sorry for my bad English:)
Yes, please watch the other video’s in the ‘introduction to remote control’ where I show why. Best of luck!
@Painless360 yes I will, your videos are very helpful, thank you!
@Painless360 yes I will, your videos are very helpful, thank you!
I dont fly rc but would a 3s 7600mah 75c be safe to with a 45amp esc
After watching the video, what would be your guests?
Sir, i am making a big cargo plane with ×4 BLDC motor 2450 kv and 30a ESC.I need about 15-20 fly time of my plane.So,please say that what is the good lipo battery for this rc plane???THANK YOU
Sir, i am making a big cargo plane with ×4 BLDC motor 2450 kv and 30a ESC.I need about 15-20 fly time of my plane.So,please say that what is the good lipo battery for this rc plane???THANK YOU
Please see the power videos in the ‘Introduction to Remote Control’ series where I cover things like that. You’ll need to know how much power you need and what the amp draw is for the motors to figure out a flight time. Best of luck!
How can I determine the Amps for given motor and prop.?
What I’ve got is 850Kv brushless motor and 10inch prop.
See my videos in the Endurance quad series for how I’ve tested all that. Best of luck
do you know if they are still available first pv as can’t find there website
I’m not sure they are anymore. Please make sure you’re subscribed and have the bell notification icon selected and that way you’ll see the videos when all the links are working. Thanks for the comment, happy flying!
I found same batterys on ebay
I hope you reply to this,
I am planning to build my own quadcopter however I would like to be able to charge my quadcopter through micro usb, Is it possible to add a micro usb charging port to my quadcopter through the battery? and how ?
thank you if you reply, much appreciated
I’ve never done it and as most of the USB chargers I’ve seen are for 1s or 2s packs but charge at a very low current in not sure how feasible or useful it is for bigger batteries. Best of luck!
hi i bulid hexacopter 1600g and i use motor A2212 13T 1000kv with 180 watt and esc simonk 30a and with Battery 5000mah 11 v 50 c but when i go to ecal website he give me a remark :max. power over the limit of the motor. Please check the max. power limits defined by the manufacturer! (electric Power: 273.6 W > Limit (up to 15s): 180 W)
so can i add some ressistors to motors then the problem will be solved without making change on kv or thrust from each motors
or i musst to change the battery .
give me please your advice
Hey sir I have a 850mah 30c battery which gives upto 25a ,and it has a Max discharge of 60c so can i use this battery with a 30a esc.
Depends on how much current the motor pulls but that looks on the small side for that ESC to me. Best of luck!
For my quadcopter “Tiger 3s 30C 3500mah 212g” suit best, but no idea about the brand. Any help would be appreciated ???
I can try this he is work a
nd my drone is so powerfully thanks I can like you and subscribe you thanks please like Guy’s
Would branded intelligent flight battery such as DJI and Xiro be a good option for a quadcopter build?
Not sure, let me know if you find out..
This video was very very help full ,
Can u recommend a good battery for armma typhon 3s for hard fast speed
Thanks Chris
Finally. A video actually describing how to figure out the battery to drone power ratio.
Mega quick question, where do I get 4000mah 3s li-po’s from for a reasonable price (£20-~£28) ?
Hobbyking is my go-to for batteries… Happy flying
@Painless360 Ah, Thanks Lee. I assumed Chinese, well batteries from China were bad. I’ll revise my ‘wishlist’ I realised the other day I was already registered with UMT back in 2014 !
Hi, thanks for the great video.
Just wondering if you could give me some advice for a suitable battery for a 3D printed drone I am building.
The drone itself is self built 450mm 3D printed size and weights around 2.1 Kg, without the battery
The ESCs are 30Amp UBEC with burst to 40Amp – Lipo 2-4s
Motors BR4108 600KV 4-6s – 14.8V pulling between 17.2 and 23Amps depending on props.
Props – 11 inch x 4.7 inch pitch.
The drone has all the usual telemetry and camera systems on it, including a GoPro and strip lights all running off the one battery.
I am guessing with the motors and ESCs stating s4 it will need to be an s4 battery but not sure exactly what size and C value.
I have sort of worked out it needing to be either 1.8 or 2.2 with a C value of around 60 but may need bigger to power it all and get a decent flight time.
Any advice you could give would be most appreciated.
There are a few things to consider. Check out my endurance quad builds where I show how to figure all this out… Best of luck
So I’ve got a 160amp esc and a 1250kv motor for my rc truck. The esc manufacturer recommends 50c to 100c lipos but my local hobby shop sold me 5000mah 30 batteries. The math shows that to be correct 50c or above. My question is what harm am I causing to the component?
Pulling too much current from the pack will cause heat buildup and drastically shorten the life of the battery… Happy flying
Hey there, can i plug 4s battery into this model. Currently i have the same exact build but running it only on 3s
It depends on the specs of the motors and props. Are your rated for the battery you want to use?
@Painless360 i have the same exact specs of this series
@Painless360 1100mah 4s 100-120 c rating type of battery