Racercube: http://www.gearbest.com/multi-rotor-parts/pp_597764.html?wid=21&lkid=10410719
gearbest 3rd anniversary sale:
Video Receiver: http://www.gearbest.com/fpv-system/pp_436525.html?wid=21&lkid=10410720
I’d like to add a current sensor to a light build I’m putting together (the FC does not have one). I do not expect it will be pulling more than 30A or so. Any suggestions?
I flew fixed wing drones ages ago and had all kinds of control and video range problems. Need to try different areas change channel on video tx if you can and see which one works best even if the video is good it could be putting out noise into the receiver right next to it. You can also get alot of signal noise on the power rail so maybe get a filter or a seperate battery for your control rx or vid tx.
Andy, I also was wondering, I really appreciate you turning me on to the martian frame, as well as the rest of the build (cheap quad build, i’m not interested in the cube setup). I’ve decided I need two quads so that I can be a little less worried about damaging them.
I’d like to try an under slung battery frame, hopefully one a little lighter than the martian that uses a standard size pdp, which should cut down on cost, weight, and complexity. Is there a budget frame configured like that which you’ve had a good experience with? I was looking at Realacc Genius. Banggood has a package with an fc, racerstar motors and esc’s and the frame which looks like a good bet, if the frame is worth while. Thanks!!!
there is also a micro version of this cube with the same range complaints, iam guessing you’re not the only one
fix your description. you wrote video receiver when you meant transmitter. thanks for another great video
good video, learnt a lot from your build videos thanks. keep up the good work.I also this you should do a quad of the month video. may be have about 3 or 4 categories. there’s so many quads coming out it difficult to keep up for a newbie.I have a qx95 was thinking of going for a rodeo 150 next. any other suggestions welcomed
Hi Andy, I have the FpvHobby 1s osd stocked in my cabinet in about a year. But this time I want to use it for my brushed build, and I just want to if they are ok for you and If they affect flight time and flight characteristics.
any chance you can review this: http://www.banggood.com/6_5g-XJB-V1-6DOF-F3-EVO-Flight-Control-AIO-5V-BEC-PDB-with-XR25A-25A-Blheli-2-6S-4-In-1-ESC-p-1120103.html?rmmds=search
6.5g for 25 A seems almost too good to be true but if it is true i could make a super light RFX-185 frame build weighing under 250g including 4s 650mah battery and 2205 (25g) motors. It would be epic!!! BUT i am afraid of what this esc can do.
great vid mate we have just finished building my martian 230..
I really enjoy your videos. I had the same experience with this product and also received a second board with even worse range. I spent a ton of time getting everything working but in the end I replaced the FC/RX altogether with an F3 acro/D4R. Using an external receiver caused the quad to just randomly drop out of the air. I should check to see what version of Betaflight I installed. Sorry to plug my channel but see my final range test here: https://youtu.be/TCdGjLE3tCE
Andy, I don’t know much but I know that when the companies try so hard to sell me something…, it’s crap
Just a good money maker for the seller i.e., worth all the advert. money they spent.
Well, I built my quad with the racercube and I was gonna go test the receiver, but had something crazy happen. I would arm the quad, the motors would spin, then all of a sudden it would just start flipping uncontrollably, any ideas?