Just some parking lot flying i did in july
FrSky Taranis X9D
Antenna Mod
M9 Gimbals
Fatshark HD v3
Realacc RX5808
TBS Triumph antenna
TBS 5dBi patch antenna
Speed Addict 210-R
FrSky X4r – SBUS
RMRC dodo FC @ 4k/4k – Betaflight 3.1.6
TBS Bulletproof 25A – Dshot 600
EMAX RS2205s 2300kv
Dal T5046c
Runcam Swift 2 – gopro 2 lens
TBS unify pro 5v
TBS triumph
Drone lab Chaos edition 1500mAh
GoPro Session 5 @ 35° tilt
Plenty of epoxy and liquid tape for waterproofing
All Up Weight – a true cow
–Ground Station–
Fieldview 777 screen
Quanum RC540R receiver
TBS Triumph antenna
Aomway 11dBi 7 turn helical antenna
Multistar 1400mAh 3s lipo
A small flexible tripod
eðal næs eins og alltaf
þarf að kíkja á þig þarna norður í vor og taka flug með þér, ekki spurning
nice flying and a great location
nice man