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Smooth HD video on 7-inch quads – 7 tips and tricks20:56

7 inch quads are great, but they are tricky. It’s much harder to make them fly smoothly than 5-inchers. It’s just more demanding in term of stiffness, propellers, vibrations, jello and so on. After almost one year of fighting with all those issues, here is my list of 7 tips and tricks how to get a smooth HD video footage on 7-inch quads. Bear in mind that almost all of those tricks apply for 5 and 6 inchers too. They are maybe not that important for great results there.

The tricks are:
1 – the proper frame with nice thick arms. Forget about 4mm thick arms for 7 inch quads. It does not work like that
2 – Propellers and motors have to match each other. You need big motors to drive big props. You can not skip the physics!
3 – Tuning! Yes, you have to tune your 7 inch drone. The chance that default PIDs and filtering will be spot-on is rather very slim
4 – The weather – for a smooth flight you need smooth weather. Wind creates turbulences and turbulences destroy a smooth video
5 – Time of a day – yes, there is a reason why noon is not the best time to fly around
6 – Camera and ND filter on it
7 – The speed – the slower you fly, the smoother the HD footage will be. More speed equals more vibrations and you are cooked!

My TBS Source One https://quadmeup.com/excellent-fpv-shopping-list/source-one-7-inch-long-range-cruiser-quad/

More here https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOUQ8o2_nCLnCC9o57MJH_nhWuT7K6aq2

Excellent FPV shopping list


Banggood affiliate http://bit.ly/2P8oAxr
Paypal https://paypal.me/pawelspychalski

I also have a full-grow RC website https://quadmeup.com/ you know

Recommended hardware:
Alfa Monster 7 inch http://bit.ly/2Tjd182
BN880 GPS http://bit.ly/2OxW5by
Matek F722 Wing http://bit.ly/2AzlYCZ
Matek F722 SE http://bit.ly/2r5OAPo
Runcam Eagle 2 Pro http://bit.ly/2MXKhmv
BN-180 GPS http://bit.ly/2VqHuSF
ESP32 LORA32 http://bit.ly/2BjG47d

    1. larry kabo
    2. blise518B
    3. Michael Turibio
    4. Long Range Quadcopter
    5. Team Astro FPV
    6. NordicBlueRC
    7. kf7tkj
    8. DroneArtists
    9. Twardowsky FPV
    10. bilsonFPV
    11. Jr Catipon
    12. Kwad Squad FPV

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