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The best FPV airplane – Ritewing Mini Drak11:44

What is the best FPV airplane I have, had, or was in contact with? The answer is pretty simple. It’s my Ritewing Mini Drak. Looks great, flies even better. Mini Drak might not be cheap, but there a reason why so many pilots love this model.

#quadmeup #minidrak #fixedwing #fpv

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Recommended hardware:

Pirx Seven Cruiser http://bit.ly/2ugFCnc
Pirx 5 Freestyle https://bit.ly/31rze9k
Pirx 56 hexacopter https://bit.ly/2Z998qH

Avenger v2 2507 http://bit.ly/2XduDUS
XING 2806.5 https://bit.ly/3hNKgfS
Racestar BR2508S http://bit.ly/2SHzfjH
iFlight XING 2208 http://bit.ly/2YBlLbO

Matek SAM-M8Q http://bit.ly/2P9aY4W
BN-880 GPS http://bit.ly/2OxW5by
BN-180 GPS http://bit.ly/2VqHuSF

Flight controllers
Holybro Kakute F7 http://bit.ly/34gqZgk
Matek F411 Wing SE http://bit.ly/2GEGKo0
Mamba F722S stack http://bit.ly/2BMszKR
Matek F722 Wing http://bit.ly/2AzlYCZ
Matek F722 SE http://bit.ly/2r5OAPo

Rush Tank VTX https://bit.ly/2XuKocM
Matek 5.8G VTX https://bit.ly/2Mj1GFG
Foxeer Toothless 2 https://bit.ly/36xTkkN
Foxeer T-Rex https://bit.ly/3m8kncN
GoPro Hero 7 Black https://amzn.to/2WC6F93

    1. Spartan 329
    2. James Hurd
    4. GigaHurtz
    5. ZaksterBlue
    6. PlaneCrazy
    7. Yann Perherin
    8. Joe Naylor
    9. Tom Muhleman, Jr.
    10. Tony D'Amico
    11. JonnyCrash

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