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The Complete Guide for Flying 3D Freestyle Drones14:49

Welcome- if you’re watching this then it means you have some interest in the next dimension of drone flying! This video was created to help you on your journey into the world of the upside down- prepare yourself to loose all sense of direction and follow me down the rabbit hole of 3D Drone Flying!

0:0 WTF is 3D and how to start flying it
1:55 Do you get confused switching between 2D and 3D?
2:55 What Camera Tilt do you use for 3D?
3:25 What Frame do you use for 3D?
4:54 What ESC and Motors work with 3D?
8:29 Where do I get 3D Propellers?
10:07 Have you flown a X Class Drone in 3D?
10:39 Can you 3D a Whoop?
11:20 How do you configure a drone for 3D?

Get the next generation of 3D hardware at IQ:

Supplemental Videos:
How to Fly 3D in Liftoff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cc99H1dKjUU
How to Setup BetaFlight & 3D: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kYKreqs-MM
How to Setup KISS with 3D: https://youtu.be/8AV4qXnqNJI

Recommended Propellers:




Recommended Motors:
https://www.racequadgear.de/BeeRotor-2010-2400Kv-FPV-Fever-Edition (My original design, still the most efficient motor out there!)

Recommended Electronic Speed Controllers:

Recommended Frames:
FlyingBear-01 (FB-01)


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Thanks Ms Creature for the new logo!

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