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Tomoquads XBL117 – My first FPV on a brushless quad03:09

I chose the Tomoquads BL117 frame for my first brushless build because it has good protection for the camera. My first time flying FPV with a brushless quad and I’m loving the power to weight ratio. It’s a big difference coming over from the realm of brushed quads.

Frame: Tomoquads BL117
Motors: Racerstar 1103 10,000kv
ESCs: Cicada 7A
FC: Emax Femto F3
Receiver: LemonRX DSMX
Propellers: Gemfan 65mm drilled to fit 1.5mm shaft
Battery: No brand name 2S 450mah
Camera: Eachine TX02
TX: Modified Devo 7e

Weight without battery is 50.5g.

Music: For you (ft. Luke Cusato) by JPB

    1. Fyre SG

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