Maiden flight in default mode and in self-leveling mode
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Very Nice!! This looks like an awesome quad. I cringed every time you
crashed, in the first minute.. ouch.
Love how you couldn’t stop until you stuck the landing.. lol
cheers, yeh nice lil quad ….and you can really feel the thud in the ground with this one when it crashes, does make ya cringe lol
cheers, yeh nice lil quad ….and you can really feel the thud in the ground with this one when it crashes, does make ya cringe lol
cheers, yeh nice lil quad ….and you can really feel the thud in the ground with this one when it crashes, does make ya cringe lol
OmG nice crashes lol hope nothing is broke.
seems to fly ok, just need to buy 3 new antennas lol
seems to fly ok, just need to buy 3 new antennas lol
seems to fly ok, just need to buy 3 new antennas lol
Whoops! lol
I like the way you fly it rough, seems like a great way to find out if it’s
durable or not. I think some of the paid reviewers are far to easy on
quadcopter’s and you are really left still wondering if it’s worth spending
money on. Thanks for putting the Rodeo through this workout !
cheers, glad you enjoyed it
cheers, glad you enjoyed it
cheers, glad you enjoyed it
I’ve been slamming my Rodeo into the ground a lot too, when I try the
middle mode.
Is the frame holding up ok and the video antenna mounting still secure?
yeh other than the antennas it seems to be holding up for now
yeh other than the antennas it seems to be holding up for now
yeh other than the antennas it seems to be holding up for now
Best crash test video ever! I don’t know how it survived number 3
Great video!
lol thx
lol thx
lol thx
thx, more of a practice session than a review lol
thx, more of a practice session than a review lol
thx, more of a practice session than a review lol
+Quad_Craze my point was that beginners should perhaps refrain from doing these
it’s hard to give out useful info like that. UNLESS you’re targeting other beginners then shoot away and have fun 
@Quad_Craze my point was that beginners should perhaps refrain from doing these
it’s hard to give out useful info like that. UNLESS you’re targeting other beginners then shoot away and have fun 
ahh ok, why didnt you just say that the first time instead of beating around the bush? lol … said you werent trying to give me a hard time : ( ….you got some good sleep today I assume? lol. Yes, i am targeting other beginners and you must’ve just accidentally stumbled across this vid, my apologies : ( ….and was nice of you to give me permission to have fun posting vids, cheers lol
ahh ok, why didnt you just say that the first time instead of beating around the bush? lol … said you werent trying to give me a hard time : ( ….you got some good sleep today I assume? lol. Yes, i am targeting other beginners and you must’ve just accidentally stumbled across this vid, my apologies : ( ….and was nice of you to give me permission to have fun posting vids, cheers lol
ahh ok, why didnt you just say that the first time instead of beating around the bush? lol … said you werent trying to give me a hard time : ( ….you got some good sleep today I assume? lol. Yes, i am targeting other beginners and you must’ve just accidentally stumbled across this vid, my apologies : ( ….and was nice of you to give me permission to have fun posting vids, cheers lol
+Quad_Craze ok now I feel like a complete jerk…don’t apologise to me dammit
I was beating around the bush so I wouldn’t be so direct. My mistake
@Quad_Craze ok now I feel like a complete jerk…don’t apologise to me dammit
I was beating around the bush so I wouldn’t be so direct. My mistake
aww dont be upset, here is better video for you to watch:
aww dont be upset, here is better video for you to watch:
aww dont be upset, here is better video for you to watch:
bummer about ya 150 …the crashes here were because i was flying horizon mode for the first time ever (middle switch setting) and didnt realise it would flip like that, so i havent attempted it again till i know what the sticks are meant to be doing lol (after the crashes i went back to 6G at about the 3:00 mark)…..i did try the acro mode later (bottom switch setting) and found it easier. Did you have all ya switches up when yours flipped?
bummer about ya 150 …the crashes here were because i was flying horizon mode for the first time ever (middle switch setting) and didnt realise it would flip like that, so i havent attempted it again till i know what the sticks are meant to be doing lol (after the crashes i went back to 6G at about the 3:00 mark)…..i did try the acro mode later (bottom switch setting) and found it easier. Did you have all ya switches up when yours flipped?
bummer about ya 150 …the crashes here were because i was flying horizon mode for the first time ever (middle switch setting) and didnt realise it would flip like that, so i havent attempted it again till i know what the sticks are meant to be doing lol (after the crashes i went back to 6G at about the 3:00 mark)…..i did try the acro mode later (bottom switch setting) and found it easier. Did you have all ya switches up when yours flipped?
thx, and middle switch is bad lol
thx, and middle switch is bad lol
thx, and middle switch is bad lol
good lil quad, and yes, my dog was tied up to a tree itching to get at the quad lol
good lil quad, and yes, my dog was tied up to a tree itching to get at the quad lol
good lil quad, and yes, my dog was tied up to a tree itching to get at the quad lol
+Quad_Craze i have four dogs like that
@Quad_Craze i have four dogs like that
nice, they absolutely love em lol
nice, they absolutely love em lol
nice, they absolutely love em lol
thx, and decided I dont like horizon mode lol …i did get to try acro before i broke the quad and found it much easier (have the videos posted on channel). Both modes were new to me so was a matter of trial and error. You should like this quad, its a really nice flier, good luck
thx, and decided I dont like horizon mode lol …i did get to try acro before i broke the quad and found it much easier (have the videos posted on channel). Both modes were new to me so was a matter of trial and error. You should like this quad, its a really nice flier, good luck
thx, and decided I dont like horizon mode lol …i did get to try acro before i broke the quad and found it much easier (have the videos posted on channel). Both modes were new to me so was a matter of trial and error. You should like this quad, its a really nice flier, good luck
lol yeh the ground shook ….flight times arent too bad, but an extra battery wld go a long way
lol yeh the ground shook ….flight times arent too bad, but an extra battery wld go a long way
lol yeh the ground shook ….flight times arent too bad, but an extra battery wld go a long way
thx for the encouragement : )
thx for the encouragement : )
thx for the encouragement : )
it is tough, even if the antenna are almost guaranteed to break on its first crash lol ….some extra batteries will be nice
it is tough, even if the antenna are almost guaranteed to break on its first crash lol ….some extra batteries will be nice
it is tough, even if the antenna are almost guaranteed to break on its first crash lol ….some extra batteries will be nice
oi oi lol ….think i picked this up at Banggood
oi oi lol ….think i picked this up at Banggood
oi oi lol ….think i picked this up at Banggood
Nice! Yeh just picked on up on ebay with 10% discount for like $264.15AUD….cheapest i could find by far!
thx, and you got it at a good price
thx, and you got it at a good price
thx, and you got it at a good price
here’s a video that might help
here’s a video that might help
here’s a video that might help
that video really helped and it was a good idea! thanx again.
yw, glad it helped
yw, glad it helped
yw, glad it helped
cheers, and it was pilot error lol …was first time i ever tried horizon mode and wasnt sure what it was going to do, but soon found out lol, after those crashes i decided to stay in 6G stabilised mode
cheers, and it was pilot error lol …was first time i ever tried horizon mode and wasnt sure what it was going to do, but soon found out lol, after those crashes i decided to stay in 6G stabilised mode
cheers, and it was pilot error lol …was first time i ever tried horizon mode and wasnt sure what it was going to do, but soon found out lol, after those crashes i decided to stay in 6G stabilised mode
im pretty sure it was the horizon mode that id never tried before that caught me by surprise, I found acro a lil better cos the quad actually did a flip on full stick input instead of just diving into the ground lol ….pity about ya F210 : (
im pretty sure it was the horizon mode that id never tried before that caught me by surprise, I found acro a lil better cos the quad actually did a flip on full stick input instead of just diving into the ground lol ….pity about ya F210 : (
im pretty sure it was the horizon mode that id never tried before that caught me by surprise, I found acro a lil better cos the quad actually did a flip on full stick input instead of just diving into the ground lol ….pity about ya F210 : (
Quad_Craze You broke it? Is it an easy beginner/intermediate quad. I just want to learn fpv
its pretty good if you stay in stabilised mode or if you have experience in acro. If you are beginning trying to learn fpv maybe something a lil cheaper and slower wld be better and save this one for when you have more confidence
its pretty good if you stay in stabilised mode or if you have experience in acro. If you are beginning trying to learn fpv maybe something a lil cheaper and slower wld be better and save this one for when you have more confidence
its pretty good if you stay in stabilised mode or if you have experience in acro. If you are beginning trying to learn fpv maybe something a lil cheaper and slower wld be better and save this one for when you have more confidence
yep, definitely has some speed : )
yep, definitely has some speed : )
yep, definitely has some speed : )
thats what im doin, cheers : )
thats what im doin, cheers : )
thats what im doin, cheers : )
cheers Droning, im actually subscribed to your channel but missed that video, thx for the heads up : )
cheers Droning, im actually subscribed to your channel but missed that video, thx for the heads up : )
cheers Droning, im actually subscribed to your channel but missed that video, thx for the heads up : )
lol she wasnt happy missing out
lol she wasnt happy missing out
lol she wasnt happy missing out
Quad_Craze seen she passed in sorry brother hat sucks but I’m glad she got to spend time with you doing stuff. Was a cool video to see her out with you! I a dog guy myself have had em all my life and when they pass it really is like family. Good luck keep up the cool videos
appreciate the condolences, cheers Brandon : )
appreciate the condolences, cheers Brandon : )
appreciate the condolences, cheers Brandon : )
thx, a durability test lol
thx, a durability test lol
thx, a durability test lol
yw, its a nice quad
yw, its a nice quad
yw, its a nice quad
yes works with Fatshark and does have acro ….i have a lil acro on video below, but im still a beginner
yes works with Fatshark and does have acro ….i have a lil acro on video below, but im still a beginner
yes works with Fatshark and does have acro ….i have a lil acro on video below, but im still a beginner
Quad_Craze hey bud, quick question… overall how tough is this little quad?…..seems like it can take a beating. What, if anything, did you ever manage to actually break on it?
also thx for the video! its change my thinking!
its work with fatshark dominator SE googles? does this drone got acro mod?
Wow it can sure take a beating! Thanks!
best test i have seen yet !
I swear I can hear the dog say in English like 3 times go “I want it” lol
you should stick to toyquads til you can fly
these things are done
fast for 2s for sure
Blimy you seriously crash tested the 150, by accident it seems but it survived fortunately! As you hopefully now know, horizon mode is where the stabilisation and roll limits are disabled, consequently on full stick in either direction it will roll over entirely. Watch my brand new review of the 150 on my channel to see this demonstrated. Horizon mode is really for FPV flight because it is a bit too twitchy for LOS.
+Quad_Craze, blimy you seriously crash tested the 150, by accident it seems but it survived fortunately! As you hopefully now know, horizon mode is where the stabilisation and roll limits are disabled, consequently on full stick in either direction it will roll over entirely. Watch my brand new review of the 150 on my channel to see this demonstrated. Horizon mode is really for FPV flight because it is a bit too twitchy for LOS.
I was just wondering, was the drone messing up or was that your test? I’m planning to get that drone sometime. Btw, nice video!
Thank you I’m going to check it out now.
Hello can you tell me exactly what horizon mode is? Is it some what like the xk x251 3d mode?
Hey man couldn’t help but notice your in Stralia lol (Footy Goals in the background), just wondering where you picked your Rodeo 150 from as im looking to pick one up aswell? Cheers!
Hi do you have yours set to idle the motors when armed?
I have a Rodeo 150 and did exactly the same crash as you. Bent the Vtx antenna and broke one of the RX antenna, when it hit upside down. Still flies like a beast. Just waiting for my 4 spare batteries so I can practice for more than 5mins at a time.
if you’re not crashing you’re not improving. I wish there were more videos of really good pilots crashing because they were pushing it or trying something new. It might help noobs that get discouraged easily. thanks for the vid. man
1:48 mark, damn that was a decent THUD! Cant wait to get this thing. Definitely will need spare batteries though, Flight time sucks ass.
Would you know where I can get some batteries. ..
props to you for posting this crashy video!
Have you flown acro and/or FPV yet? I’m really looking forward to flying mine with Headplay FPV headset in acro mode. cheers! Kurt
I’ve got one on the way now from BG, will take your video as a lesson and take horizon mode much more slowly
im thinking about getting one of these and it sounds like a dog crying in tha background trying to kill it
Good test day. And rodeo resists well, but not the antennas. I broken FPV antenna too when i put middle switch in the first try.
My f210 also flips and grounds why do these do this? Have you figured out the reason? I’ve been waiting for parts to show up lol I’ve used it once and crashed it’s been two weeks can’t wait to fix
you definitely fly like someone new to this…
Good review
Best crash test video ever! I don’t know how it survived number 3
Great video!
I like the way you fly it rough, seems like a great way to find out if it’s durable or not. I think some of the paid reviewers are far to easy on quadcopter’s and you are really left still wondering if it’s worth spending money on. Thanks for putting the Rodeo through this workout !
OmG nice crashes lol hope nothing is broke.
Very Nice!! This looks like an awesome quad. I cringed every time you crashed, in the first minute.. ouch.
Does it have height holding?
Would you know where I can get some batteries. ..
Would you know where I can get some batteries. ..
Hey man couldn’t help but notice your in Stralia lol (Footy Goals in the background), just wondering where you picked your Rodeo 150 from as im looking to pick one up aswell? Cheers!
My f210 also flips and grounds why do these do this? Have you figured out the reason? I’ve been waiting for parts to show up lol I’ve used it once and crashed it’s been two weeks can’t wait to fix
Wow. One tough lil drone….
Would you know where I can get some batteries. ..
Would you know where I can get some batteries. ..
1:48 mark, damn that was a decent THUD! Cant wait to get this thing. Definitely will need spare batteries though, Flight time sucks ass.
Wow. One tough lil drone….
Would you know where I can get some batteries. ..
Good review
My f210 also flips and grounds why do these do this? Have you figured out the reason? I’ve been waiting for parts to show up lol I’ve used it once and crashed it’s been two weeks can’t wait to fix
these things are done
fast for 2s for sure
Would you know where I can get some batteries. ..
Would you know where I can get some batteries. ..
Would you know where I can get some batteries. ..
Would you know where I can get some batteries. ..
Would you know where I can get some batteries. ..
Would you know where I can get some batteries. ..
Would you know where I can get some batteries. ..
Would you know where I can get some batteries. ..
Would you know where I can get some batteries. ..
Would you know where I can get some batteries. ..
Would you know where I can get some batteries. ..
Would you know where I can get some batteries. ..
Would you know where I can get some batteries. ..
Would you know where I can get some batteries. ..
Would you know where I can get some batteries. ..
Would you know where I can get some batteries. ..