Average speed was taken as an average over a 100 meter distance in opposite directions (shown in the video)
How the data is analyzed:
Blackbox Log file:
Decoded GPS log:
172.18 mph run was done here:
Frame is custom (much like the original VX1) with lots of attention to physics. Naked frame weight is 48g (which can withstand me standing on it at 165 lbs) and an AUW of 498g. Other equipment:
190mm custom frame
Cobra 2207 2450kv motors
Modified APC 5260 props
30A Spedix ES 30 HV ESCs
Tattu 1300 5s 75C Lipo
1 plastic Easter egg
Betaflight F3 flight controller
Crazepony 700TVL Wide Angle FPV Camera (lens is from an old, broken SJCam)
AKK X1 Vtx
Lemon rx DSMX
Ublox M8N GPS
Eachine EV800D
Spektrum DX6e