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World’s fastest fpv gopro quadcopter? 150km/h02:47

Fpv spin today at the lagoon today with my very fast BO330. Was a very windy day so we tried for some fun speed runs. Good Ground speed reading of 140km/h on the first flight and then 150km/h on this flight. It’s obviously very windy but it’s still a crazy fast little machine and if anybody can get a faster fpv multirotor speed reading I would love to see it. This is by far my fastest reading so far for a multirotor and a good start to 2015.
BO330 frame
Nanotech 4s 45-90c 2200mah
Naze32 Flight Controller
HK Blue 30a ESC (SimonK)
Tiger MN2208 2000kv Motors
HQ 6045 props

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