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Xk 251 speed runs acrobatics with 1080 degree + rolls flips using Turnigy 950 mah 25-50c battery09:49

Xk 251 speed runs & acrobatics with 1080 + rolls & flips using Turnigy 950 mah 25-50c battery..

Do you have the xx x251? then please join in and comment on your experience with it, always good to hear from you guys and please drop us a like as it helps me in my drive to do more for you :), I love it myself if you haven’t guessed already 🙂

My Current TX settings……..

Dual Rates
1 2 4
D/R High 125 125 110
D/R Low 75 75 75

Throttle Curve…
1 2 3 4 5
High 0 25 35 55 100
Low 0 25 35 60 80

6G Gyro 50
3G Gyro 0

Please watch: “WLtoys 12428 112 4WD Crawler RC Car Journey into the woods”

    1. SongoLand

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