These videos are just for reference. The new software is much easier to setup and supports almost all transmitters.
You can download the Arduino sketch here:
where is the source code for YMFC 3D
You are godsend…. buddy
Kei gaaf man! Heb het al 3 keer gezien!
I have a problem of stability of position, after checking all stages, when I start the quad go make a lateral movement (+ roll) very slowly
Make sure that you have minimum vibrations and that the center stick positions represent a 1500us pulse.
Where did we purchased these items
Please use the YMFC-AL. You can find the links to the parts on my website:
I minimize the vibration to 60 and the throttle = 1500 us, when I exceed 1500us the vibration increases to 150.
Do I change the engine?
I tried in the past to build the quad with no success.I can’t really understand the PID part on the code and in general. Do you know any websites or PDFs that i could read and learn the PID algorithm and then implement it in my own projects? Just to copy your code, use it and not understand how it works, isn’t practical because i can’t use it or adapt it in other projects.
Can you make one for me vl pay u the charge..??
i made a drone using your code & schematic but it is not arming
My Drone tutorial search stopped when i got ur video. U are God of drone for me ?
what is the range on that drone?
Thanks a lot I have made this and perfectly flying, but I have plan to build a 250mm drone, whether this code fit for 250mm or else we change any PID VALUES????!!!!
can i use bt module for control it without radio controller??
You probably need to change the PID setting. What values you need to use? I have no idea because I never build an 250 quad.
@Joop Brokking tnq
this guy is a legend! no kidding!!!
I am building an RC version of Opener’s Black Fly VTOL aircraft. Do suppose this code could be modified to achieve the flight characteristics of that aircraft? I would image it’s just a matter of adjusting the desired pitch attitude of the PID from 0 to 90 degrees and back again as the aircraft transitions from vertical to horizontal flight. Guessing also I’d need to blend the roll and yaw commands as the motors tilt back and forth. What do you think?
one of BLDC motor in quadcopter is spinning faster than other to maximum speed when started initially. I have checked motor, esc, signal wire from arduino but no problem in these components are found . But when is swapped the signal wire from arduino to esc with another signal wire from three working esc then the problem of spinning faster shifts to another motor
So i thought the problem must be with arduino board then i checked that signal pins port for LED blinking and the port was working properly
then i suspect that the problem must be with program of FC
Can you please help me??
I made it with a ppm receiver and trying to make it better by adding bpm 180 pressure sensor and magnetometer
How to fix camera in this
Hey bro how could i use barometer for altitude hold and telemetry…along with fpv… Please make a video
Plzzzz sir can u make single copter using arduino
HI! I just want to ask if ever that I want to add an anti-collision feature to this drone. What advice can you give me or what should I do? thank you sir
Thanks for the tutorial … I built my quad as per the instructions given in this video and finally flew it. It was actually 3 years back when the series of videos had been posted online. Its really amazing.
Joop, you are the best ! Thank you for helping us with your high-quality educational tutorials.
can I use mpu6050 with this program?
can i replace the arduino uno with arduino nano ?
if yes can you tell me the correction in code so that I can make drone uisng arduino nano
hey can u please help me with my hexacopter build
can u please tell me how can i replace rf control by bluetooth please
can anyone tell me why this code will not load on the Arduino IDE running on Raspberry Pi? I get a java exception array index out of bounds error and the code does not even open in the IDE.
Can we use arduino nano in place of uno for the work. PLZ ans!
Fantastic job! I will try build it. Thanks for showing us your jobs. I show them to my students
My drone keeps toppling to one side. What should I do. Pls help
Hi sir if ur interested plse make a transmitter and receiver using arduino for quadcopter
hey you think we arefools … are using a 1200RS esc and showing us 315RS esc and all things are fake even gyro..
Thanks for the for the tutorial …grate …i have MADE a quad copter CONTROLLER with AURDINO due , now it is in the PID tuning phase ….i had used the standard libraries for sensor s like mpu6050 dmp , ms5611 , PID etc …even in the hardware i had used level shifters ( mosfet based ..for me txb108 was not worked well ) even i can see that with some print functions i am able to run my loop running less than a micro … my tuning setup is quad copter is tied with rope in an welded iron stand .. while tuning in level position there is small wobbling..can u plz guide me here to correct it .
hey..I am trying to do a hexacopter with arduino uno..can u please help in coding it??plzzzzzz
Which lipo battery is better for drone??
Hi Please help me. after i completed all setup. one motor is spinning faster than 3 motors. how can i fix?
for me its not taking off
Will you make rc transmitter using aurdrino
is this pwm based?
hey can you add nrf24l01 module to the flight controller ?
The Receiver_Input_channel_1 is not defined as output or in put ….and so on with other receivers …but u are still receiving the values in ur setup program how is this possible…???.
Plis help me…sir actuallt i want to understand each line of your code and write my own….
M facing these problems…its been three days i m researching on it….help me sir…?