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? Electric dirt bike tries to kill FPV drone ? (he failed ? )00:00

When my buddy Matt from Germany told me he had an electric dirt bike, “DUDE! WE GOTTA FILM THAT THING IN FPV” were the first words out of my mouth.

Not because I wanted to make some kind of an electric dirt bike review but we thought it would be great fun! Now that I come to think of it: We could have totally made it a review. Oh well, who cares…

So a couple of months later -once Matt was more comfortable enough to ride this electric dirt bike beast- we met up in Aachen – Germany and had some good fun.

The electric dirt bike is quite an impressive piece of tech. Nothing short of extraordinary. Of course nothing beats an FPV drone. FPV drones are pretty much the pinnacle of awesomeness. ?

== GEAR ==
? 5″ freestyle FPV drone (aka ‘Jackson’)
* GepRc Mark4 HD5 – https://www.banggood.com/custlink/mGGGU7WyGb
* Diatone Mamba F722 F50 PRO FC & ESC stack – https://www.banggood.com/custlink/33D3U1rGwg
* Ethix Silk V3 motors
* DAL Cyclone C5040
* CaddX Vista
* Team Black Sheep Crossfire Nano
* GoPro Hero 7 Black
* Telesin GoPro ND Filters – https://www.banggood.com/custlink/D3v3kTCmkI

? 3″ Cinematic FPV drone
* Diatone Taycan frame – https://www.banggood.com/custlink/3DKvMTpGwr
* Team Black Sheep Crossfire Nano
* iFlight SucceX-E mini F4 FC & ESC – https://www.banggood.com/custlink/vvDKz1rK7l
* XING 1408 – 3600kV motors – https://www.banggood.com/custlink/G3K32wrEKq
* DJI FPV Air Unit – https://www.banggood.com/custlink/vDDGq1p32Y
* GoPro Hero 7 Black
* Telesin GoPro ND Filters – https://www.banggood.com/custlink/D3v3kTCmkI

? Radio transmitter (aka ‘remote control’)
* FrSky Taranis Q X7 (white) – https://www.banggood.com/custlink/Gv3m21pDqA
* Team Black Sheep Crossfire (full module)

? FPV goggles
* DJI FPV HD Goggles – https://www.banggood.com/custlink/vvKKU7cYCf
* DJI Sponge Foam
* Ethix headstrap
* Furious FPV battery pack
* British Drone Industries Digidapter
* ImmersionRC Rapidfire – https://www.banggood.com/custlink/DKDmMwcYc0
* Menace Periscope 5.8Ghz Antenna (SMA 90) (RHCP)
* Menace Pico 5.8Ghz Patch Antenna (SMA) (RHCP) – https://www.banggood.com/custlink/mDKKzwrypQ
* DJI Smart Controller (for clients to watch the FPV feed) – https://www.banggood.com/custlink/vGKGzwcytZ

? DJI Drone
* DJI Mavic Pro – https://www.banggood.com/custlink/3v3D27rYHJ
* DJI Fly More combo with 3 batteries

If you enjoyed this video, I’d appreciate a like! Feel free to subscribe, I promise I won’t disappoint you!
I’m Ronny Welter but people at home call my Ronny King (don’t ask why). I try to do as much cool thing as I can while I can. I use this Youtube channel as a means to motivate and push myself!
I try to explore life and experience adventures as it felt like something I wanted to do forever but never really took up. It’s a work in progress, really… It’s my journey of becoming ‘grown up’.

Subscribe to my channel if you want to share the journey and want to keep up with my stories and adventures!
Feel free to follow me and send me your ideas on what I should do next or what you’d like to see!

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