There’s a good reason the Racer 4 is so big and heavy. It makes for highly competitive racing and a very spectator friendly machine. But how does it perform for freestyle?
Check out the Racer 4 Street on Kickstarter to own an official DRL race drone yourself!
Be sure to check out DRL this season as it airs on NBC and Twitter!
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– FPV Freestyle Pilots / Hosts –
Drew Camden [Le Drib]
Corey Tapp [CRICKET FPV]
Alex Vanover [CaptainVanover]
Jamie Hodges [LittleStellarFox]
Zoe Stumbaugh [Zoe FPV]
-Production Team-
Chad Kapper – Executive Producer
Christian Kapper – Editor
By: Liot
By: Chinoldinho
Four Pounds
By: Liot
By: Liot
they said 2010 but the specs say 2510?
Little Stellar Fox… Luck my ass right?
bruh that zoey girl ugly like fucking ugly im a nnice guy but i have to say that is ugly af
top … MERCI
i think most good pilots in the netherlands have flow the drl i have and it sucks it heavy and slow
two years ago they where still running oneshott 125
Well at 55 years old I got my first PFV racer, omg its so dang fast, but i’ve crashed it already over 25 times just trying to learn . only broke 1 arm so far so waiting for parts to fly again , love it!
Crazy skills, great content as always. Inspirational?
those legs!
You kick ass yaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
TRONS proud of you love your symbol on t-shirt Tron approved
Zoe is awesome. Keep being you.
Too bad the kick start was unsuccessful
Since the kickstarter didn’t “fly” (pun intended ??), is there another way to purchase a DRL Racer4 Street?
That was fun, you guys are great fun. Go Captain Vanover
7:16 nicee
Best advice I was given start out on sim
It is never too late to join FPV
who els than me thinks 6s DRL racer 4?
7:16 Name of the music?
I love you guys sqaud you guy are like the most diverse group of people iv come across in ah long time oh yeah the big girl in your crew is ? oh weeee???
Dat Zoe lookin like the mom of the group, she killed it tho
Dat Zoe lookin like the mom of the group, she killed it tho
Evidently not actually nice
0:00 me with headphones in at full volume: ?
0:00 me with headphones in at full volume: ?
Biggup Zoey…. She flies sexy??
You can buy a flying simulator on steam for like 5 usd, that way you can learm faster withouth damaging the actual drone
what a great video! So extremely enjoyable over-the-top adrenaline rush! You all have great senses of humor and I’m going to upgrade my drones to these types so I can feed my Need for Speed! love it
I hate all this quick spins and whoop wizzles..! It’s way nicer just to do lines like a plane and then mix things in on the way, not just a twisting mess. Not fun to watch.
Crazy because my drone would murder all of these drones. Karma for life Holmes ?
Now you’re hooked on this drug. The Government wants to be the only drug dealer, that’s why the coming regulations and bannns.
Isn’t Murder illegal?
Captain Phlikenpoots not in the drone world, and besides what harm could karma do anyway?
Ok, that’s cool, but, can it run crises?
Ooooooh wee! That was fun!
I belive the R4 racer with the white color would have a power draw disadvantage
And sadly in 3 years FAA will keep these street versions ALL grounded. Boo on you FAA
The funding failed, this means it’s over worth the project right?
@The Equaliz3r you can get an entry level setup with just about everything you need for around $600. Might want to put away another $200 for replacement parts though for the first couple months. And each prop cost about 75 cents lol
I have seen much faster drone on UAVfeatures
I feel the enthusiasm from the team was a little forced in this episode.
what fpv cam does the racer 4 use? anybody know?
That cricket guy is annoying.
That cricket guy is annoying.
nice one
holy f*ck, zoey a beast!! f*ckin cheers!
dang, just checked the racer4 street kickstarter and they arent even at half =(
Sick video! I had no idea so many people attended drone races.
Amazing bro ?
Foxeer predator micro
Who is the fat dude in a dress?
I built an entire computer from scratch in 3:26 during a tri county skills competition. I got bronze. A drone usually takes longer due to the soldering. Building a drone in 5 minutes is insane. I hope that kind of snap together tech gets better and more standard. I love standards.
and heres me thinking 40 degrees of cam angle tilt isnt enough for racing but then again my racing is in liftoff at 125mph
90mph is slow, even my rooster can go almost as fast as that, people have made 150mph+ builds
Pretty sick.. Looks like so much fun.. Cant wait till quarantine is over so I can get back out and fly more.
CIWS : am I joke 2 you?
it needs more LED’s !!
? let me catch my breath
please give me one drone free.
0.o ive been flying on DCL sim for a week and been flying at 70* lol..
How on earth do you fly the dcl droe at 70
Can i have one it’s because u love fpv racing drone
Video always has rotating props. It would be interesting if they move the props out of the way of camera.
Can you doo a gift too Me plzzzz
How cost this dron in indian rupees
No more for sales?
Nice team! I started with drone fpv with DRL Sim, Fatshark Scout and Flysky, movie in my channel.
Dude is a bitch for putting homeboy on blast
Lol i race at 70 degrees.. i even fly my mini whoop over 40 degrees xD
Mr Steele can can fly a drone much better than you guys
Yang pilih Allah like yang pilih Dajjal abaikan
Get’s handed a drone he’s never flown before and isn’t his, immediately goes for high risk maneuvers on his first pack. Breaks drone -.-
they all sound like brown nosers
But steels heavier than feathers .
Wow. The spacial awareness of the pro is stunning.
Lucky kid. All we had was Pong.
Wow. The spacial awareness of the pro is stunning.
Lucky kid. All we had was Pong.
Ellen Degeneres flew a lot of batteries out of that thang.
13:50 nice
Sessions are expensive
2:06 70C? ?
i fly 35 for freestyle. i think i could handle 40.
did zoe ever use a mirror?
Check this out
5:55 ok but Zoé literally sounds like she’d getting some bomb diggity
Le drib piece of shit
what a great video! So extremely enjoyable over-the-top adrenaline rush! You all have great senses of humor and I’m going to upgrade my drones to these types so I can feed my Need for Speed! love it
Zoe is just crazy good tho… next level.
The person that flew the drone last was stupid good
Rotor riot fake reviews.
Rotor riot owned by venture capitalists. it’s all about the MONEY to rotor riot.
I guess in the DRL you can just wear a wife beater tank top to work lol
Drib’s piloting style adaptation to the racer4 which is new to him was amazing..he could flow no problem and the inverted yaw was sick! 10:51 it flowwwzz indeed
Zo. Rips ass on it!!!
@Rotor Riot, Is there a way to still get the Racer4?
Can I go out and buy this in 2021 ?
Pity. They have a 200% markup.
They don’t support the sport. They just want to scalp clients.
They could make more money selling more, cheaper.
This sport deserves hype and drone producers are what holds it back.
1:26 dude in a wife beater lol all he needs is some bbq stains and a coots light in his hand
1:26 dude in a wife beater lol all he needs is some bbq stains and a coots light in his hand
Gdamn that’s one huge woman in pink
Gdamn that’s one huge woman in pink
Can someone please tell me how do I know which remotes goggles and drones go together, Compatibility?!
I lke it . It makes mine seem 100% better . ?
Very cool to see the difference in the power curve between the drone weight. Really helps to visualise and understand the timing and lines you need to do in order to make these curves
What are the backpacks they are using
What are the backpacks they are using
What are the backpacks they are using
Wow.. such skill. Meanwhile im just flying my DJI FPV in Sport mode feeling like a God. lol
“I like my 5 inch”
From a noobies, This drone is way more cooler than Dji FPV… Looked soo badass…
From a noobies, This drone is way more cooler than Dji FPV… Looked soo badass…
Zoe sick with it
Zoe at the sticks is always something to see ,She is a damn good flyer .
I just recently been hooked on fpv really new to this but definitely looking forward to flying my own drone
Why sunglasses when making video? You won’t connect as much with the person when hiding behind sunglasses ?
I’m betting females will have better geometry skills with the video setup considering they are already use to mapping geometry with a flatter field. DRL needs to do a NASCAR speed race. No tight turns. Big loop and high speed.
Crashes – “I ran out of battery I think” ?
Zoey smashed it! Sic
The gopro cracked on the first ground slide no wonder it got smashed in peaces once someone flew it into a wall.
Am i the only person that thinks on your first flight you would take it easy and get the hang of it before attempting stunts
Not when you will only get to fly them a few times, and then you may not have access to fly one ever again. Also when they had a number of them. Also it’s for a video, so you want to do some fun and cool stuff. Also when the drones were provided for the video.