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2017 Holiday Drone Gift Guide | FLITE TEST12:44

This Holiday season if you are looking for beginner level drone or RC airplane Christmas gifts, these are all great options for all budgets.
Inductrix RTF: https://www.flitetest.com/Inductrix
Batteries: https://store.flitetest.com/hv-205mah-1s-lipo-battery/
Duet RTF: https://www.amainhobbies.com/hobbyzone-duet-rtf-electric-airplane-hbz5300/p267663
X-Vert RTF: https://store.flitetest.com/x-vert-vtol-rtf/
FPV Module: https://www.flitetest.com/XVertfpv
Scout Getting Started Pack: https://www.flitetest.com/scoutgetstarted
Cub Getting Started Pack: https://www.flitetest.com/cubgetstarted

DX6e: https://www.flitetest.com/DX6e

FPV Inductrix: https://www.flitetest.com/inductrix-fpv

E-Flite Apprentice: https://www.flitetest.com/apprentice-rtf

STRIX Stratosurfer: https://store.flitetest.com/strix-stratosurfer-pnp/

Vortex 150 Get Started Pack: https://store.flitetest.com/getting-started-with-fpv/

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Flite Test was started in a garage by a group of individuals passionate about flight and community. From Drones, to Fixed Wing RC, to Full Scale Flight, this is your one-stop gateway to the most exciting hobby in the world! http://www.flitetest.com

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Horizon Hobby: http://www.horizonhobby.com/
RC products
Spektrum: http://www.spektrumrc.com/
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Video gear rental
Hyperion: http://www.hyperion-world.com/
LulzBot: https://www.lulzbot.com/
3D printers

New to the hobby? Get started here: https://www.flitetest.com/beginner

Check out some of our DIY planes: https://store.flitetest.com/swappable-series/

Our Chase Quad: https://www.flitetest.com/CaseQuad

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Music by: David Cutter Music – http://www.davidcuttermusic.co.uk

    1. Buzz Jump
    2. Gregory Zhdanovich
    3. JayLehman Vlogs
    4. Alexander Mihalas
    5. roy varghese
    6. ManicRC
    7. zemirage200 xyz
    8. Dee Cee
    9. Air-headed Aviator
    10. helltp
    11. Emily Hill
    12. Alex 0474
    13. M_y_s_z_o_r M
    14. Tyler McBride
    15. UniverseofRC
    16. Aerial Worxs
    17. WannaDuino! The Real Live
    18. Karl S

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