A stunning light show featuring 500 drones was staged in Tianjin on May 15 to welcome the opening of the World Intelligence Congress. The four-day congress attracted over 1,400 artificial intelligence (AI) researchers, tech industry leaders and policymakers from over 40 countries and regions to discuss the AI future.
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Drones very dangerous, more dangerous than guns in America. I’ve seen to many times in the news where in bar fights people square off by killing each other with drones. So barbaric…lol
what’s yours purpose of adding the music.
you can do night advertisement in the sky if no laws against it?
Problem is, by intelligent design the Universe was created in six days and
man needs to stop destroying it all by over-production and over-consumption.
Name of the song?
Trump might say intellectual property for USA. China is creativity ?
Big deception coming.
no American tariff or sanction is going to stop this.
I could see this replacing fireworks…. which China also invented. Real neat idea, guys
added: oh and sky writing too! wtg!
Truly amazing thing to see.
But Trump bans Chinese Huawei from accessing Google and other tech software. Trump has just shot US tech companies in the knee. China will use its own far superior technology. Americans are too busy deciding whether they are male or female or both, and whether aborting an incestual fetus is good or bad thing. Meanwhile China takes us into the next century.
So, today the United States officially banned DJI
China will lead the world in swarm tech as well as quantum technology. Greetings and best of luck from india
Now I know why America scare and jealous
China make drones to display but US make drones to hunt down and kill people around the world. Human rights and justice for all. Lol.
Yet another threat to US national security.
But how do they not crash???
Wow, this is stunning indeed!