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85X HD 4K | Freestyle | Micro FPV02:25

This is the retail version of the 85X HD from BetaFPV. I am flying 3S LiPos in these clips. Recorded in 1080p with the stock CADDX Turtle V2 and up-ressed to 4K.

    1. Fr4nck80
    2. DimplePoji
    3. Dan Richmond
    4. HuzzahGamers
    5. yann boulard
    6. PauL TerL
    7. PixelcounterFPV
    8. nigelsheffield
    9. Anonymous Pilot
    10. Pepito DeVL
    11. Bari FPV
    12. D. Lee
    13. Roy Carter
    14. Blue Shrimp FPV
    15. Jazzyboy
    16. RCnerd74

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