Flying tiny whoops down at the local arcade- so much fun! Video takes off half way through, hope you enjoy this one- had an unexpected amount of fun
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Filmed, Edited, and Produced by Zoe Stumbaugh
Kicked ass Zoe
Awesome fun — I was so surprised the arcdade wasn’t RF hell! Check out my library flight (#2) if you have time — a lot of fun
That was so much fun! Great video!
Fun flying ??
Nice Adventure Zoe! super nice!
Great edit, Zoe! I must find an arcade to whoop too, looks super fun. Miss California, this vid brings back memories
Awesome Video!?????
Whoever gave the thumbs down your an asshole!!!!! Zoe your my favorite pilot I have a question though can you do your upside down thing on a tiny whoop?
? awesome awesome awesome… loved the start… such a natural creative talent behind that cam…
Did you see episode 7 of the X-Files? titled Rm9sbG93ZXJz, Mulder’s house is invaded by an Inductrix drone swarm and Mulder and Scully are chased through the night by drones.
Luv all ya videos Zeo awsome work from New Zealand
you crazy crazy girl !!! I love it !!!! great job, keep it up ripper…..
I’m always worried they would swat me out of the sky.
Its slowly growing a good fpv rep with the public ive noticed
wow thats nice thats people were being cool about it.
Ok, I have started a simple build using a banggood f4 stack x. It can do 3D!
Now, if I can do it everything will be just fine.