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Area51 Race Drone Media02:13

The good ol’ boys over at Bubba’s Baja / Martin Racing in the RZR1000 finishing up strong in 2nd place behind his teammate. For their #1stTime coming out to the races , they sure know how it’ done…!!!!

We couldn’t keep doing this without the help from our sponsors!!! Scott Edge and I thank you Team Black Sheep, Shendrones, Flightone and Gemfan for the AWESOME SUPPORT!!!
Frame: Shendrones – Flaco
FC: FlightOne Skitzo Revolt V3 w/ OSD
ESC: FlightOne Bolt32
VTX: TBS Unify Pro Race w/ TBS Triumph Antenna
Props: Gemfan 5055 Durable
Lipo: 1550mah 4s
HD Camera: GoPro Hero 6 Black

This has been an amazing ride for us FPV Freaks.
Ready to conquer the world with a GoPro and a Darko -Racing Drone. “dream come true” story? ‘BOUT TO FIND OUT

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