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My life is chasing feelings, pushing limits, and turning the crazy ideas in my head into reality. When these things align magic happens. This was something I dreamt of doing for years and to be able to watch this video makes me so happy. I’ve worked so hard to get to this point and whoever is reading this I hope this video does something for you. I hope it inspires you, makes you feel something, or serves as a reminder that you can do anything you want to do and you can be anything you want to be. Just work hard and follow your dreams. I used to imagine myself flying away on a hot air balloon and look at me now. Special shoutout to @nickleventis @uprising for helping make dreams come true and @johnny_fpv @rariaesthetics @eddiethewanderer for helping me bring this to life. I present to you “Balloon Boy”

Checkout my personal Instagram for more! – https://www.instagram.com/brendon/

Filmed By

Rari Esthetics – https://www.instagram.com/rariesthetics/
Johnny FPV – https://www.instagram.com/johnny_fpv/
Eddie Diaz – https://www.instagram.com/eddiethewanderer/

Fueled by

Nick Leventis – https://www.instagram.com/nickleventis/
UPRISING – https://www.instagram.com/uprising/

Music – Deadmau5 – Fn’ Pig (Spencer Brown Remix)

    1. Siddharth Padnani
    2. Andrew Nelson
    3. Richelle
    4. CescProds
    5. Jonathan Canévet
    6. Sean Kloss
    7. Cadu Pedroso
    8. Fatih KİRAZ
    9. Michael Kerkering
    10. Mr_Blaha
    11. Siya
    12. Tristan Hamm
    13. Abhishek Yadav
    14. LIUK
    15. Max Homer
    16. Daniel Page
    17. Low
    18. Dylan Kennedy

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