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BEST BEGINNER DRONE RACING KIT TO DATE!! 2019 Emax tinyhawk RTF review00:00

The emax tinyhawk RTF review is amazing. It comes with fpv goggles, a good feeling radio and an awesome drone for a stupid cheap price. If you have ever wanted to start fpv racing this is the best beginner drone package on the market to date and also cheap. link –

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FYI these are affiliate or campaign links and the above product was sent for free. If you dont like it, feel free to just google search the product or store and get the link that way. But if it doesn’t bother you these links help support the channel and also help vendors track the impact of my videos.

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Watch some other awesome videos while you are here.

Over 50 videos of awesome reviews on FPV related products. . Including the Atom v2 review, the TBS Tango vs Taranis Review, The Fatshark Dominator SE FPV goggle review and heaps more.

Build guides. Everything you need to know when building a quad. From detailed step by step guides for beginners to quick guides to specific types of fpv drones. Find out how to build your own FPV racing drone here.

Happy flying videos. FPV flight videos with voice over commentary about the quad scene. FPV lifestyle, tips to flying better, finding locations and just general chit chat about this awesome hobby.


Mic used –
Camera – Cannon 700D
Action camera – GoPro sessions 5


Thanks again to everyone who enjoys, like or shares these videos. We have such an amazing community and it is extremely humbling to know that my videos are reaching so many of you. Stay tuned for more exciting videos and as always…

Happy flying.


    1. UAVfutures
    2. Ben Phillips
    3. Zeaiclies
    4. TankNSpank
    5. Jay Son
    6. Brock Acosta
    7. Mike Hooker
    8. Darkspartan089
    9. Microwave
    10. ꧄?꧄?꧄?꧄?꧄?꧄?꧄?꧄?꧄?꧄?꧄?꧄?꧄?꧄?꧄?꧄?꧄
    11. Nate Art
    12. NUROCK
    13. Wentzel Ludeke
    14. Jack Ladig
    15. Toxic2Venom
    16. Mudwingmedia
    17. Mark the man Music
    18. Voyager Drone
    19. Ben Foong
    20. Jonas Hediger
    21. ッxNevoyz
    22. V I V I D
    23. Trak
    24. The ProCut
    25. rlarson3232
    26. Fun Frankie
    27. RavenDE
    28. pink putotoy
    29. Epicstrings
    30. Epic FPV rookie
    31. Yann Connan
    32. Bryan Martinez
    33. RobCopFPV
    34. pedro lima
    35. melangkoh
    36. Al Bradicich
    37. Azello
    38. Pro Side
    39. Gemster18
    40. giggidy gaming
    41. valts biezais
    42. varun jain
    43. Ganolime
    44. Salvation73
    45. Jan
    46. meert jurgen
    47. paul deacon
    48. Randomz Does
    50. Asher Yellen
    51. steinak3n

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