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Best Beginner Level Drone – LDARC 2S Whoop GT7 GT8 V2 Update08:16

The KingKong / LDARC GT8 and GT7 just have been upgraded. If you are not familiar with these FPV quads, these have been voted the BEST entry level FPV Drones in 2018. Their ability to take a crash and keep flying is what makes these so great for those starting out. Now with the upgraded ,more powerful motor, the GT7 and GT8 from LDARC are that much more recommended for the best beginner drone.

If you are new to the hobby, ‘Whoop’ can define a type and class of quad. Typically these have the prop guards or otherwise known as ducts. Back in 2015 the ‘brushed’ quads were tiny and very underpowered, now starting in 2018, the brushless motors have become smaller, powerfull and affordable making ‘2S Whoops’ the biggest advancement in the ‘micro fpv drone’ space.

Drone Link – KingKong Drones

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New to Drones? Check at our suggested quads for all skill levels

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