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Can I fly a Racing DRONE? Drone Racing League Simulator | KuruHS09:42

Check out Drone Racing League Simulator: https://bit.ly/3gH0MyM It will teach you how to fly a real Racing Drone! DRL SIM is available on Xbox and Steam at $9.99.

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Video edited by: @Dustin Eden – https://www.twitch.tv/dustineden

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    1. KuruHS
    2. Imglad Notu
    3. Ηλίας Γρηγοριάδης
    4. MistahWinston
    6. Akmal Amanullah
    7. Taque Gaming
    8. Muhd Irfan1254
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    11. Олег Перфлов
    12. March Sureta
    13. Jojoreally Lovehislife
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    15. Naufal Nazri
    16. James Gonzales
    17. Jak Jak

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