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Can your micro do this? 2inch 3D FPV is HERE03:18

Welp- this is the most fun thing I’ve ever built. Wasn’t sure I’d ever have a micro 3D setup that could fly this well, it’s sorta life/world changing to be able to practice 3D without having to leave the house… can wake up, pick up the Zappy, go outside and rip some batteries, it’s magical. Since the maiden I swapped out to the Lizard95 props- they’re nearly symmetrical and have a decent amount of thrust.

Today we’re flying a very special frame and loadout from the Outer Limts- a Zappy120 from Rocket Quads. Brought to my attention by Teracis: https://www.youtube.com/user/Teracis a fellow 3D pilot in The Outer Limits discord chat @ https://discord.gg/nRn9gU3 a few of us are building micro 3D rippers in there, you should join the fun!

I did a build video of this @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJQd6…

Find the frame on at https://armattanproductions.com/pages…

RCGroups Thread:

Note I paid for the following parts, unable to find what I needed in stock elsewhere (Banggood Guilt) Total cost of this build is $100-150 depending on the components you choose.
Super_S F4 2S Flight Controller Built-in +Super_S BS06D 4in1 Blheli_S 6A ESC :https://www.banggood.com/Super_S-F4-2…

1104 7000kv RaceStar Motors: https://www.banggood.com/4-X-Racersta…

Reciever: R-XSR(Note I swapped the signal cables from the original build video, double check the mapping on your reciever!)

FPV Gear: Caddex.us SDR1 1200 TVL Camera with 2.1mm Glass Lens.
“VTX 03.” Both of these fit into the frame perfectly. The camera is the most expensive part of the build. Thank you Caddex for sending them out for review.

Props? These work okay for 3D, but not perfect(Not the ones pictured in the video thumbnail!): http://www.banggood.com/5-Pairs-Eachine-Lizard95-FPV-Racer-Spare-Part-2035-2x3_5x5-50_8mm-5-Blade-CW-CCW-Propeller-p-1146269.html?rmmds=cart_middle_products

If you wanna support this channel and more content like this check out my Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/ZoeFPV

Have been hard at work reformatting and preparing to produce more drone related content going forward, including creating new ways to be able to do that over the last couple months…. and spreading my wings to the community for funding and support.

Check out early premieres on AirVuz.com/user/ZoeFPV ad free! They help sponsor me & my projects all while helping create one of the best communities for pilots and drone content. Support the ones that support the community! #unitedwedrone

Join the conversation and let’s digitally hangout together!
Live on Twitch.tv/Dronelicious where I get really weird with you…
Chill and chat with me @ http://discord.gg/nRn9gU3
Follow my kwad pron on http://Instagram.com/zoefpv
Find me on Facebook http://facebook.com/zoe.stumbaugh

    1. C Ray Tech
    2. 정현석
    3. dudu du76
    4. FrostyFPV
    5. Kraken King
    6. BenJamin Prater
    7. tw8e60
    8. Bobby Broadway
    9. Tony Houk
    10. PropcutFPV
    11. weird science
    13. JohnnyD RC
    14. JohnnyD RC
    15. Jamie Gerrard
    16. patdud1979
    17. Jan Domingo
    18. Hairy Hider

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