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CES 2018 – Uvify FPV drone racing OORi05:28

CES 2018 – Uvify OORi
You can pre-order it here http://bit.ly/Uvify_OORi

this drone seems perfect for the beginner and advanced pilot.

It runs 1S 600mAh batteries compare to other micro drone that run higher voltage like 2S and 3S.

it runs 0804 motors with 2540 props.

It’s powered by a special edition of betaflight.
It has Addressable RGB WS2812B Mini LED all around the drone.

Flight time can varie and it’s from 5 min (hovering) to 2 min (full throttle forward flight)

it’s pre-order for 289$ including drone, prop guard and FPV monitor with remote.

Personal opinion without flying any of these: I would buy this over the fatshark 101 that cost 249$

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