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DE-STRESS | FPV x MX x HERO 9 Black – Hypersmooth vs ReelsteadyGO00:00

#mx #fpv #gopro

Goin for the money shot!!!! 2nd day out shooting for the #milliondollarchallenge. #got a couple f okay shots but i think day one shoot went a little better. gonna keep at it tho! if it was easy everyone would win!Cinematic B-Roll and Flight Edits compiled together for a semi-psychedelic experience brought to you by yours truly. I love telling stories through my edits. hope you enjoy!!! don’t forget to hit that like button, leave a comment!!!! and turn notifications on if you wanna stay in the loop of whats happening here on the channel of WESTPSYDE FPV
Thank you for watching!!!
#motocross #ryanwhite #mdc #goprohero9 #goprohero9black #hypersmooth #reelsteadygo #colorado #ridered #honda #crf450

Big shoutout to the sponsors
ChinaHobbyLine.com – https://bit.ly/35DNWvF – Promotional link to support me
Drone Co

List of my gear

BQE Bandolero 6″ http://bit.ly/2WxHk0y
BrotherHobby 2207.5 1750
Speedix LS40
DJI Air Unit
Crossfire nano Rx
Foxeer Micro Lollipops
Dal 5050 Cyclone Pro
ChinaHobbyLine Ministar 1500mah 120c 5s

BQE Bandolero 7″ http://bit.ly/2WxHk0y
BrotherHobby 2808 1500kv
Aikon 55amp 32bit
DJI Air Unit
HifronRC F7
Crossfire nano Diversity Rx
Foxeer Micro Lollipops
ChinaHobbyLine Ministar 3300mah 40c 6s

Autel Evo
Sony a7iii
GoPro Hero8 Black
Gopro Hero9 black

DJI FPV Goggles

Tarranis QX7
Crossfire LiteTx

I Do Not Own The Rights To Audio Track

    1. CiottiFPV
    2. sean dolan
    3. shy FPV
    4. Pekmen
    5. MikeMenace
    6. Spoony J FPV
    7. skyhacker fpv
    8. blackchaos fpv
    9. GAproductions
    10. John E Fly
    11. LuzidDream
    12. UnTamed- Fpv
    13. VerJan FPV
    14. Victor Vector
    16. W.B.K white
    17. Harsh FPV
    18. MacTheKnife

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