Designing Real FPV Drone Racing Tracks in LiftOff
Testing the use of LiftOff Game to test and confirm track design and layout and identifying potential problem areas etc
The process here wasn’t really planned but as a result of the testing and tweaking of the track in liftoff, essentially it allowed us to get the track right for the race with minimal tweaks. Looking back I think it would have been better if the track was designed earlier and we allowed more time for people to test and fly the virtual track.
The whole point of this video is to share how well this process worked out for us. I believe it took Simon only 30mins or so to build the track and I can’t believe how well it translated to the real deal and just how close it looks.
All in all I was pretty happy with the final result.
LiftOff Game
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Great video Paul and excellent design by Thomas. I made a couple of minor
updates to Simon’s track layout as a result of the on field changes at
raceday (which I have shared with him) and the LiftOff Track/Race files can
be found here in my Dropbox… it’s the “Eastside FPV Meet” track/race.
Nice work! Virtual vs. live racing is next.
Can you have Thomas share his UserData.xml file? My quad just doesn’t feel
right and perhaps he has figured out some decent settings.
Nice video brother
Any idea why Thomas was faster on the real-life
And some insight into what kind of track he likes here to ;)
Don’t know much about lift off, perhaps the addition of a phone app for
laying out the track in real life hooked to the gps might be useful
That is Awesome well done Guys… Now i am going to have to get Lift off
for myself
I really like the idea of planning a course out and testing before making
it out on a field ….Sweet :D
Impressive! If only I had the computer to run liftoff :p I have a great CPU
but not so great GPU.
Thomas designed an awesome track!! Gr8 job! ????
G’day Paul,
Great stuff…!
Um, are you familiar with +colinfurze Channel ?
If not, and if you’d like to see the scariest Aerodyne in history,
title-search YT for “Homemade Hoverbike” ; it’s really Really REALLY
*REALLY* seriously maniacal !
The things some people do to get Views…
Ciao !
Pretty cool idea
Enjoy the rest of your week guys!
It’s not that surprising that he was faster in RL than Liftoff, I found it
to be waaay too floaty to be able to fly at the same pace I do in RL
track design thing is pretty cool though.
super awesome , truly ground breaking to be able to design and remote fly /
feedback. The course looks fun as heck too, great flow, thanks for posting
the side by side :)
Has there been an update to liftoff in the past months or so? I bought it a
while ago, but hated it becuase the physics were so bad as in floaty I
couldn’t even use it.
You guys are awesome
nice work guys !
Nice track. I wanna download Liftoff but I don’t know how to connect my
Radio Atlink 9 controller to it.
With the limited time you get to practice a track, liftoff could be a
superb tool to get ready. Pull an upcoming event track, race it, compare
times and only then buy a ticket to fly to an event ;)
i installed Lift Off but the multiplayer functions don`t seem to work.
but it is great for solo practise…