The LCD I Used
Found this Coupon for the LCD
Coupon code: 38024f
Coupon discount: 12% off
Voltage Regulator
Here is listing for 5 pin connector these are same size but one extra pin
blue terminal for camera testing
Female pin headers
30X70mm PCB Board ( Any PCB size will work but try not to get one soo big or too small )
I highly recommend these boards over 2 months of testing best money can buy
Racerstar StarF4S
Racerstar Star F3s
The HEX driver I recommended which i bought 2 sets of (Must have if your into building)
Batteries I use
Camera I use
Standoffs I find to be the best
Xt60 Premade I use
Heat shrink I mentioned
Soldering station
Checkout the website for more details on the reviews
Website updated 2 to 4 days after the release of the video
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Song Used
Song Used info
Track was provided by NoCopyrightSounds
Paul Flint – Savage [NCS Release]
Paul Flint
• Mastering by
Song: Distrion & Alex Skrindo – Lightning [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Download/Stream: ID: dj2938hd298hflahsknckdfhsidufh9398
Fantastic job, man! Awesome!
Dude you crazy for soldering right over that ribbon cable lol
You should make more mods ! I love them
Wow looks like there’s place for buzzer on that PCB. Will that buzzer work ?
Fascinating. Why was i expecting to hear the esc beeps when you plugged it in? Aha
can you make 3d print enclosure for this??
Awesome vid and perfect build guide.
Can you leave a link for the soldier you use please.
Have an awesome day ?
Nice! Does this screen have audio as well? All my quads have a microfone, so it would be nice to have a way to test them with this gear.
Nice video
what FS Module is that?
Very cool project but I feel like that must be very difficult to transport safely. Nicely done
I was thinking about somehting like this since you came up with the Eachine ev100 hack…
That’s what I love about your channel: electronics, quads and playing with those in unusual ways!
Awesome idea. How about adding a dvr?
I doesn’t see this video is 1hour because it’s a good video
I’m just getting into the hobby and found your channel. Sub’d and love watching your vids. Not quite sure I’m ready for some of these mods yet, as I have many questions, but I have an itchy finger with my soldering iron, lol.
The LCD I Used
Found this Coupon for the LCD
Coupon code: 38024f
Coupon discount: 12% off
Hi I just made one of these using an old Realacc fake diversity module.
I had trouble with the AV inputs to because the AV input cables are coaxial so you have to strip the outside layer an ground it then the center conductor goes to Video out on the module.
Also I found I could change channel by Jumpering the last three pins to ground in random combinations.
Just in case it helps someone !!
This is why I watch your channel ,great video ,but I do cringe when you de solder ,use flux paste and spread over the solder prior to using your hot air iron ,it makes it easier to lift components with out damaging the pads or the components. I have a similar reflow station and when I have to remove a small smd component that’s close to others I try to isolate it by covering it with sticky aluminium foil tape and then use a scalpel to cut out a small square around the component I’m trying to replace ,plenty of flux paste ,ceramic tweezer and a magnifier ,your electronics Knowledge is really good and I think if you included in your video how you traced out the vtx io’s I think there would be plenty of people who want to watch this…..