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Dog Causes Pilot To Crash Drone And Start Fire || ViralHog01:37

Occurred on July 10, 2018 / Springfield, Oregon, USA

“I went out to a field, that I have been flying at for 2 years now, to fly my FPV(First Person View) drone, or as some people in the hobby call it a quadcopter. Since I’m flying an FPV drone I have a pair of Fatshark goggles on, so I can only see what the drone sees. I heard someone approaching with dogs, so I flew around the area to see who was there. I could see the dogs and the guy from drone and I heard the dogs run up to me. They seemed friendly, then one of them jumped up on me knocking the transmitter out of my hands and I immediately lost control and my drone came crashing down and sparked a fire when it hit the ground. The crash was pretty hard. It broke one of the arms, so my guess is a wire came loose and caused a short or impact. The cells on the battery were still intact so I don’t think the fire was caused by the battery. In the future I am going to be more careful where I choose to fly during the dry season and I’m getting a fire extinguisher to bring with me when I fly.”Contact licensing@viralhog.com to license this or any ViralHog video.

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    1. bruno miguel
    2. JaYdEnRaY 1
    3. Deron Taylor
    4. Napkin Bandit
    5. George Garcia
    6. Entertainment on the road
    7. Justin Credible
    8. OS10100
    9. Manny Calavera
    10. richard worwood
    11. Tonys Rc Tech
    12. Berberbey
    13. Xplicit fpv
    14. Dog Dude Drone

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