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Drone Racing at BMW Welt | Drone Racing League01:24

#DRL at the BMW Welt.

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DRL is the first professional race series for FPV drone racing. The Drone Racing League brings the world’s best pilots together to fly the “DRL Racer 3” quadcopters head-to-head through new exciting neon-lit race courses. Drone Racing is the sport of the future, and you can find all of the full races, crashes, and competition on www.thedroneracingleague.com and here on youtube.com/c/thedroneracingleague.

    1. Sisi Bln
    2. Average Joe's Rc
    3. Ben Johnson
    4. Tron Tron
    5. Benjamin Richter
    6. williwonti
    7. Wholly Mindless
    8. MrPacMan36
    9. Ein Mensch
    10. KrakozFPV
    11. KingFPV
    12. Adapt FPV
    13. BKCLF
    14. Bari FPV
    15. Daniel Ullrich
    16. Chris Chandler
    17. Brandon mumea
    18. MoralRichMedia
    19. BKCLF
    20. paulypyro
    21. Marcella Regal
    22. Jason FPV
    23. Jason FPV
    24. Holzii FPV
    25. KittFPV
    26. Gurla Loo
    27. JeremyPorridge

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