Drone Review – DL FPV Mini Racing Quadcopter11:39

Full Specs & Buy Mini FPV Racing Quad: http://amzn.to/2ybZJQC
Buy Aomway FPV Goggles: https://goo.gl/U730u2

This ready to fly (RTF) quadcopter kit is a great starting place for drone pilots who want to learn to fly FPV. This small drone is very stable and easier to fly than most FPV racing drones I have tried before. It uses 5.8 Ghz analog transmission, so it will work with most FPV goggles. If you are considering getting into FPV racing and want an easy way to start, consider this drone with a pair of Aomway or Fat Shark goggles.

For cool drone T-Shirts: http://shop.spreadshirt.com/readysetdrone

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