Eachine Moneagle FPV screen. 5″ screen, 800 x 480 resolution, DVR with HD, D1 and VGA recording sizes. Dual diversity receivers.
Eachine Moneagle FPV Screen (Banggood) – https://bit.ly/33DrJ0v
Like, Subscribe & Ding the ? – http://bit.ly/ANsubscribe
? Video Recording Gear ?
In the Field
► Onboard camera Mobius C2 – https://bit.ly/2RLNLLg and RunCam-2-4K-Edition – https://bit.ly/2X4CE0y
► Hatcam Firefly 8S 90º with external mic – https://bit.ly/2DwAP2V
► External Microphone – http://bit.ly/30SwvDB
In the Workshop
► Wide workbench cam – GoPro HERO7 Black and Firefly 8S 170º – http://bit.ly/FF8S170
► Close up workbench cam – Panasonic Lumix LX10
► Audio recording – Rode smartLav+ mic in Samsung A8 – http://bit.ly/2ZK6GGy
► Video Editing in Final Cut Pro X on 27″ iMac
► All the Action cameras I have reviewed – http://newtonairlines.blogspot.com/2018/09/action-camera-roundup.html
? More information ?
► Newton Airlines Uncut – http://bit.ly/NewtonAirlinesUncut
► Newton Airlines blog – http://newtonairlines.blogspot.com.au
► Links for my build materials – http://newtonairlines.blogspot.com/2015/03/materials-and-links.html
► Andrew Newton YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/c/AndrewNewtonAustralia
► My portal – http://anewton.net
► iNav Basics and FAQs – https://newtonairlines.blogspot.com/search/label/iNav%20Basics
► All my iNav CLI Dump files – http://bit.ly/2t2OPz7
►My FPV gear – https://newtonairlines.blogspot.com.au/2018/02/my-fpv-rig.html
►Favourite iNav gear
Matek F405 Wing FCB – https://bit.ly/2SI3bAv
iNav GPS – https://bit.ly/2ERre6w
Beitian BN-880 GPS – http://bit.ly/2K7hdHc
► Depron Armin Wing build – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_RzXO5u3M0
► Skyshark P4X spars – https://www.kitesandfunthings.com/Products/SKY-SHARK-P4X-CAMO__SSP4XCAM0.aspx
► Knauf XPS Hot Wire Foam panels – https://www.bunnings.com.au/our-range/building-hardware/building-construction/insulation/panels
► GBC EZLOAD laminating film (May be discontinued) – https://shop.quadient.com.au/products/lamination/film
► Alternative 75 micron laminating film (not tried by me) – https://www.boundtoimpress.com.au/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=64_12_104_17&products_id=91
► Depron and foam board – My 6mm and 3mm depron came from www.tradewarehouse.com.au But from 2020 it seems they no longer sell proper depron. I have not found another supplier yet.
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This is a fun hobby for me, not a money making venture.
I don’t have a Patreon account, and choose the minimum possible advertising option.
However if you would like to support this channel here are some options
►Direct donations to Paypal.Me – https://paypal.me/apnewton
►Affiliate links – BANGGOOD RC – https://bit.ly/2R7LMgg
If you use the affiliate link to make a purchase I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.
? No single review will tell the whole story. Be clever, watch other reviews and shop around before making any purchase.
#AndrewNewton #EachineMoneagle #FPVScreen
Hi Andrew,
Stay safe.
How about trying a piece of heat shrink tubing slit lengthwise as a shim for the transmitter handle. With all that water about, you can now try the PBY.
hi mate i think you can get a tripod base to fit that top from the servo
Curry Kitten reviewed this the other day & found the nexact same problem with the laim mounting…
He found amongst his bits a ball-union adaptor thingy which was a strait swap-out that allowed him to use clamp & mount it to a tripod…
Perhaps worth looking at his clip for ideas as to a 3D printed mount???
If only I’d found out about these a week or two ago when I ordered a non-DVR recording, single receiver 4.7inch screen for 37AUD from Bangers then I’d have ordered one of these instead!
Great wee screen.What be perfect to share the experience with those that want to see what is going on
Great Lakes not full enough, good stuff but.
You made me spend more $$$$…
Can you look for if it does support audio and video out through that 3.5mm port?
You should have taken the Catalina to the swamp mate!!!
Touch and goes off the water..
Might clamp directly to the vertical poll of your or a tripod
3d print something bracket/shade thingy..
10:36 plane shadow fly-by
Have you ever used the same type units before? I bought about half a dozen receivers almost exactly the same for about $6-$10, I thought they would fall apart but I have a number still in the cardboards…… they didn’t have dvr’s but I just stuck a piece of velcro on the back with the vcr they worked great…. still do…
Candela is more important at monitor specification. What’s lux ?
Where did you buy the bracket?
can this with a module bay (like the one available for skyzone goggles) run rapidfire or fusion receivers?
Hi Andrew, nice review, I’m a newbie in fix-wing fpv, I see the stock antenna is not very good, what 3rd party antennas (combination) would you suggest to buy?
put some black tape on it
For the money that’s one of the best 5″ DVR screen out there. Sad only not normal SMA and no 1/4 mount.