Eachine RatingKing RC 4WD FPV Buggy Desert Drive
Eachine RatinKing F14 Electric RC 4WD off road buggy comes equipped with a neat FPV system that will put you into the driving seat of your little Off Road buggy and you can enjoy RC bashing from a whole new perspective. Eachine RatingKing F14 offers some good features and a neat idea which is not new but first time probably to see someone actually producing the idea of FPV Driving in a Ready to Run Retailing RC buggy. Not only that, Eachine also offers a 720P HD Action Sports Slim camera that you can stick to your buggy and record your Off Road RC FPV Driving videos to share with family and friends or on social media.
This is the outdoor RC off road FPV Driving with Eachine RatingKing. I am disappointed that just after a minute or two of drive, the buggy had strange sounds and 4WD system shows issues. Possibly the rear differential gears were ripped or something else went wrong. This shows a very poor quality control or poor quality material usage. Anyway, hope eachine is watching and they can improve the quality of gears and product in next production stages. This is a great concept and it can lead to a new FPV Racing Sports.
You can order the RatingKing FPV Buggy here
Eachine Rating King
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Production music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
Comments and feedback welcome at info@alishanmaofps.com , and alishanmaoae@outlook.com
muito massa
Awesome little buggy
very good sir??
Looking good my friend!!!
Geeze Ali, the kids are getting huge! I remember when they where so small.
HI ail I am India can I still get the products that you have
Aoa. Nice looking little fpv buggy. it is reasonable fast!
Lolover your kids toes, i do things like that too hahaha thumbs up
Okee but ehmm.. no DVR recording? :$ I was hoping to get a sense of the FPV feed
Nice video wish i had one to play with
Great run alishanmao!!
come on stop playing with electric crap, can you review nitro rc s more interesting
Nice run bro
Very cool!!!!!
WOW…Did he just say””I need to do FPV fast before my 4 wd goes away” ?
It breaks and stops working THAT FAST…?
That’s sad… you can hear that the gears are stripped already…save your money people.
how long of range does this have
Not impressed with the looks and quality of the vehicle. At $500.00 thats quite expensive for what you get. Thanks for the video Ali.