Eachine VR-007 pro Fatshark Mod Updates
Eachine Vr-007
Eachine DVR
Bfight Drone
Diatone gt200N
Fathsark module which is verry good in my opinion
FrSky Q X7
Batteries I use
Standoffs I find to be the best
Xt60 Premade I use
Heat shrink I mentioned
Soldering station
(If you can use my links that would be awesome it would go a long way into supporting the channel.)
Website with more details on the review and testing of products
Consider Following me and supporting on Patreon for Big giveaways.
Contact: mesh.drone@gmail.com
Song Used info
Track was provided by NoCopyrightSounds
Paul Flint – Savage [NCS Release]
Paul Flint
• https://soundcloud.com/paulflintmusic
• https://www.facebook.com/paulflintmusic
• https://twitter.com/paulflintmusic
• https://www.instagram.com/paulflintmu…
• Mastering by http://redwolfmastering.com
Song: Distrion & Alex Skrindo – Lightning [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: https://youtu.be/dM2hrLwdaoU
Download/Stream: http://ncs.io/LightningYO
Wherre i got my conformal coating
Awesome chanel. Btw: where are you from? Can it be that your wife was speaking hungarian in the background in one of your previous videos?
Also want to enter a giveaway dont know if you make a seperete vid of it or that it is now this vid???? but keep the vids coming ????????
love u vids
VR007 – it is cheap, but screen resolution suck. Pissed off quads – that is something like mine quads after two broken frames. Still have DIY BFight 210 in building process – it is waiting for ordered Tattoo F4S coming in.
Guy, you sound tired. Should sleep more or drink less. Maybe do a little less reviews some time.
awesome thanks for all the content especially the mods you are doing i personally love trying to get the most out of everything
Hey do you reckon you could make a video on 30a AIO without osd. Use code LDHH to make the board $50 AUD
By the way you don’t have to if that isn’t obvious????, LOVE the channel it’s help me with countless thing keep it up.
I love the DIY stuff and mods. Lots of people do reviews, etc, but you’re one of the few that has ideas on how to make it better. Thanks!
Great videos can’t wait to see the 007 mods , what about adding a fan
Hey DroneMesh, I’m a little confuse about your opinion of the diatone, I though I heard you say you hated it, was too heavy, and puffed lipos. Now you like it a lot. Am I messing up or have radically changed your mind ?
Nice one on the give away
I love the mods you’ve made so far.
I’m waiting on the follow up in the TROUBLESHOOTING NOISE serie, are you still going to do it ?
Keep it up !
solid giveaway! thanks for the videos! keep it up!
Nice! Always enjoy your Videos! Actually I am about to build your 143 Budget Frog Racer
Keep on goin!
I have a school project and kinds short on .oney how much to buy one of the pissed off drone kits?
Would like to see a custom tripod 5.8Ghz ground station build. Been thinking of building one, would like to see your take on it. Keep up the awesome work, love your stuff Mesh!
congratulations on 5k, well earned. i’d like to see a good low rider frame going, i’m at the point of thinking of buying a sheet of carbon and making my own. i want something that will use cheap 2205 motors and mount a runcam split safely and jello free 5inch props to combine freestyle and cinematic movies. max auw of 530g. i’ve also been toying with the idea of sticking two cheap 210 frames together then dremelling down the arms to maybe 8mm wide and square, not sure how to glue them and retain most of the carbons integrity..
Diatone ordered can’t wait! Keep up with the uploads