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EMax EZ Pilot – Give the gift of FPV08:00

The Emax EZ Pilot is an all in one FPV package that is aimed at beginners. You’ll get the drone, goggles and remote. It has some easy to fly modes for beginners.

Buy One: https://www.banggood.com/custlink/GKvGAPPdvG

Learn More: https://www.halfchrome.com/emax-ez-pilot-fpv/

This contains affiliate links. Clicking them helps support this channel. Do you want to know what our favorite drones are or what cameras we use? Here you go…


Phantom 4: https://goo.gl/c3Ud3P
Mavic 2: https://goo.gl/h1ihxo
Mavic Air: https://goo.gl/ryDLtM
Spark: https://goo.gl/mRVdtf

Furibee X215 Pro: https://goo.gl/Y234Hf
Tinyhawk all-in-one: https://amzn.to/2FLWmFQ
Tinyhawk S: https://amzn.to/2FJ0dTP
FatShark goggles: https://amzn.to/2BDPaMd
Skyzone FPV goggles: https://www.banggood.com/custlink/D3KDFqFDWp
Budget FPV goggles: https://amzn.to/2MuAGU4

Favorite Cameras
Sony a6500: https://amzn.to/2BnxSmf
GoPro Hero 7: https://amzn.to/2ZVFVhN
iPhone X: https://amzn.to/2MXftye

Learn More: www.halfchrome.com

    1. shozzy69
    2. Joseph Bove
    3. Flying Buzzard
    4. Troy Schultz
    5. Jefferson Carroll
    6. Pacos Pete
    7. Riley Gilroy

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