Fast Fright Friday – FPV Racing03:56

Having some serious fun and racing with the guys in our super secret garage spot in The Netherlands.

Some awesome speed runs and some nice side by side races and very spectacular crashes.

No Blackouts were damaged in this session!

Check also metalldanny compilation of the night before this one:

Mini H setup:
– Blackout Mini H (6inch upgrade)
– Naze32 acro rev5
– ZTW 20A ESCs (simonk)
– Cobra 2204/32 1960kv
– HQProp 6×45
– Sony PZ0420 Sony SuperHAD 600 FPV camera
– Gopro Hero3 Silver Onboard and some external shots with Black
– 4S 35C 2200mAh Zippy
– Fatshark Dominator V2
– Immersion 5.8 600mW vtx
– Frsky Taranis w telemetry D4R-II

tpa_rate = 50
tpa_breakpoint = 1350
looptime = 2600

    1. MegaZoneEX
    2. Boris B.
    3. Bennett Reid
    4. Boris B.
    5. Bennett Reid
    6. Boris B.
    7. Bennett Reid
    8. Spartak1245
    9. Boris B.
    10. Francisco J. Amador
    11. ScottDRFT
    12. Boris B.
    13. mutantmutant
    14. Boris B.
    15. Mick Wolf
    16. Tom Wolf
    17. nabahaal
    18. tony blak
    19. Blahdeblah52
    20. Boris B.
    21. Dennis Lobos
    22. Boris B.
    23. Jordan Huus
    24. Boris B.
    25. Rc- Andy
    26. DemRupees
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    28. Armin Chickadee
    29. Boris B.
    30. Лев Бахарев
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    33. shaun mclaren
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    35. 98snakeeater
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    37. mark rankin
    38. Boris B.
    39. 長谷川九
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    45. Stanley Künzle
    46. Boris B.
    47. Takahiro Etoh
    48. Pennywise Clown
    49. Boris B.
    50. 福元孝盛
    51. loek smits
    52. Boris B.
    53. loek smits
    54. mksteezsofresh
    55. Nin Jan
    56. HyoungMoo Lee
    57. Steve Smith
    58. Dan Nahaya
    59. OneLifeCycle
    60. Goorc
    61. Derrick Truong
    62. Derrick Truong
    63. Rec0iL
    64. DANQ FPV
    65. tony peterson
    66. VovaN60
    67. renesebastian
    68. RandomTechS@#T
    69. Enlightened_FPV
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    72. gyrojeremy
    73. XalacRlyeh
    74. jack00scarecrow
    75. Johnathan Mark Smith
    76. RC Quadcopter Reviews
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    78. Cosantoir
    79. Kimmo Merci
    80. solunasunrise
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    86. Justin Meyer
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    88. Ivanouva Serebryakova
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    90. Enlightened FPV
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    92. T imeLord
    93. Anthony peters

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