First wing Fpv – Reptile S80000:00

My first wing flight(with fpv and a gopro).

Session 5 (1080-60fps with stab. on)

Reptile S800 wing
F3 fc with inav 2.3.3
Emax 2205-2300kv
6045 bi blade prop
CNHL 1500mah 4s
AKK Race Ranger 1600mw with Rushfpv cherry antenna
Crossfire nano with immortal antenna.

    1. Enes HASTÜRK
    2. armanthor
    4. Bilal Mergen
    5. blackfish fpv
    6. Recep Karayanık
    7. Onur Demir
    8. mehmetronik
    9. FPV 420

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